Horatio Scornblower

John Teti's advanced review: "It stinks!"

Only AV Club commenters would find something to hate about this.

Whoa whoa whoa, are people actually calling for the government regulation of television? The fuck?

You seem fun!

That song is trying to be obnoxious and push people's buttons. So by that metric, it succeeded with you.

Not even close, but nice attempt at getting brownie points with internet people.

Damn, now I want to know what the he said…how could a QOTSA review inspire a gun post?

I think that's my central beef with this piece. Just because it's (arguably) art doesn't mean it's any good.

Skuckers Munch?

I can't tell if you're joking or not.

Sure, adolescent misogynist tropes qualify as "art," Sam Adams. Is the Watch This column just trolling now?

Did you even read the article?

I'm assuming the Morrissey fans hating on Scott Ian's facial hair think Morrissey's dumb pompadour is a-okay.

Andrew Ryan forgot to add: being an unrepentant racist

I think he's refuted that notion a lot of times. I'm not sure on the specifics, but I definitely remember him saying he has diverse tastes.

I don't see how.

That's my other problem with her statement. Not everyone has Lena Dunham's sex life, for fucks sake.

I think you mean *jizz hands*

Soo, Lena Dunham is actually NOT sex positive. She's "the kind of sex I have" positive.

God dammit.