Horatio Scornblower

Excuse me, do these effectively hide my thunder?

Here's Where the Strings Come In is non-optional. It might be their best record.

You're old enough to not be a dick on the internet now, gramps.

There were a few more duds than usual this season, but it was still pretty goddamn terrific. This show is still so underrated.



Not at all what the article was saying.

Isn't "Increasingly more" redundant?

Can we just make it clear that if  the thought of a child's death makes you cry then, according to this fucking guy, you're a mouth breather. What a complete asshole.

I hate this song, and Clapton is undoubtedly a creep, but this dude comes off as the worst kind of too cool for the room indie douche in the interview. And I say that as someone who is largely a fan of too cool for the room indie douches.

Whoa whoa whoa now, Stinger. That's the line.

So a woman being beaten and being tortured by the trauma is a-OK when it's a talking goat. You seem like a cool dude.

I have. They make mediocre music that sounds like reheated garbage, and Tyler is so clearly an asshole.

He was also a 16 year old drug addict at the time. And apparently served his sentence.

Way to bring it down by being logical and serious, grandma.

What the fuck is going on?

First Phipps, then Tobias, now Tasha? Goddamn.

And then applies the weakest looking Sharpshooter ever.

It's weird how the Rock is almost always the best thing about the shitty action movies he's in.

Right. It's basically the music critic version of Yankees/Red Sox