Horatio Scornblower

You might be right. That's just my gut reaction to her shtick, to be honest.

Look up "rockism" on wikipedia. It's a whole lotta stupid.

It's the opposition to rockism. Both words and camps are so stupid.

I think my main beef with Kesha (and with most contemporary pop stars of her ilk) is that she seems like the kind of person who feels that other people are obligated to find her interesting.

Poptimism says that stuff is a-okay, and poptimism "won" so we have to just lie back and take it.

Welp, definitely shouldn't have clicked on that link. You think you can handle "back muscles fashioned into angel wings" until you actually see it.

"I'm the bald headed black dude from Law and Order, and I hate you, and I hate Jeeeesus!"

So cheating on someone who doesn't deserve to be cheated on is okay?

Jon Wurster did that. He pointed to the fact that the chord progressions in Room Service were lame, and lead to a letdown of a chorus.

I wasn't being tasteless. I was being serious: I think he's using his art to express the pain of abuse.

Shit, how long before this shows up on some libertarian website?

It's sad when a young person dies. Can we not be assholes about this?

Well, he was sexually abused by his father, so there might be some element of catharsis there for him.

I promise I'll always love Jesus, and always be light skinneded

I fucking love this movie.


Fuuuuuuuuck. This SUCKS.

Fox, why do you hate American Dad?

Way to use the rhetoric of Justin Bieber fans, dude.

The "cultural conversation" is bullshit.