Horatio Scornblower

Nice =/= funny.

Just the worst. The fucking worst.

Just the worst. The fucking worst.

…Can O'Neal be the new editor in chief, just for that?

…Can O'Neal be the new editor in chief, just for that?

Yeah, and he seemed completely sincere about it too. I mean, I know the pitch-black stuff is just an act and he's not actually an asshole/sociopath, but it's still pretty surprising.

Yeah, and he seemed completely sincere about it too. I mean, I know the pitch-black stuff is just an act and he's not actually an asshole/sociopath, but it's still pretty surprising.

Just once, I want someone interviewed on here to say their favorite movie of the year was AMOUR or THE TURIN HORSE or something. Some of you pop culture nerds in Hollywood have to be legit cinephiles.

Just once, I want someone interviewed on here to say their favorite movie of the year was AMOUR or THE TURIN HORSE or something. Some of you pop culture nerds in Hollywood have to be legit cinephiles.

Fuck you, reality TV. And fuck you, anyone who's still watching TLC.

Fuck you, reality TV. And fuck you, anyone who's still watching TLC.

Nobody's. I'm sure that in addition to the Bieber tattoo, he informed his fellow inmates of his fondness for strangling dudes with ties and then shearing their balls off.

Nobody's. I'm sure that in addition to the Bieber tattoo, he informed his fellow inmates of his fondness for strangling dudes with ties and then shearing their balls off.



…Um…Salmon Fishing in the Yemen? Did they want Ewan McGregor at their party that bad?

…Um…Salmon Fishing in the Yemen? Did they want Ewan McGregor at their party that bad?

Good song!

Good song!

*Command + F*