Dr. Strangelovecraft

Am I high or wasn't "D. Ray Morton" the fake name that Ricky Roma gave Shelly when they were scamming that guy (Jonathan Pryce in the film) in Glengarry Glen Ross? Wait, why am I asking you fucks? To the Google!

Yeah, I don't see "Holy… Shit Boobies!" doing as well as "Holy Shit! Boobies!"

White lines, paint.

Man, they told me the Revolution will not be televised, so how am I supposed to know when it is starting? Can it at least be on facebook or twitter or foursquare or something?* Also, I hear Hitler made a pretty good latte…

The madman jumped into their midst and pierced them with his eyes. "Whither is hip-hop?" he cried; "I will tell you. We have killed it—-you and I. All of us are its murderers."

I give up- is it a funny hat?

I second the Gary. Cleveland ain't great or nothin' but Gary is just fucked up. I have driven around Baghdad- Gary is worse. Gary may be worse than Kabul, though to be fair there were no donkeys on the mean streets of Gary the one time I was there in 1996. Could be now though I guess…

Awesome Jimmy Doolittle reference. What a badass that guy was. Would still be cockish to do that to a teacher regardless of his Nip-itude.

I would buy this album if the David Guetta produced track were a cover of Black Flag's "Best One Yet." Sadly no.

Marginal space tax rates are a key element of the plot. Also cyborg Nan-C will battle to the death with the leather skinned Bay Nor.

Donald Faison is porn-fueled?

Oh man, a Rush reference and a KMFDM reference in the same Beaver article?


I first read that as "Low Self Opinion" (by Rollins Band). Now I am imagining that playing over a chess game…

Cheerwine? Dear Lord it's like I'm back in Asheville circa 1979. More to the point, Cherry RC is better than Cheerwine and Dr. Pepper is so much better than Mr. Pibb that it should be a capital offense to suggest otherwise. I will caveat and say that I only refer to Dr. Pepper from a can as God intended- as a

So, um, you're going to photosynthesize her into unconsciousness with that hankie? Interesting plan.

No, Zakaria needs to go too. Charlie Rose is still ok, even if he is occasionally annoying.

I ain't gonna vote for him but I will support his participation in any political debates from this day forward.

Idiotking, I love you.

When you someone NPR it