Dr. Strangelovecraft

Bunny Bites Breslin, Breslin Bleeds Badly

который будет делать, свиньи

Um, no, Wikileaks released a shit ton of legitimately and appropriately classified material.  FOIA does not essentially say anything about diplomatic cables being public.  In fact the first exemption for material in FOIA is "classified information for national defense or foreign  policy."  Stuff does get declassified

I know what Courtney loves: cupcakes!

Bouncing Betty>Betty Boop

P Heche yanks my neck on the chain!

Ghost Writer
Motorcycle hero
Baby, baby, baby he's screamin' the truth
America, America's killin' its youth

Sam Fussell is Paul Fussell's son, as is briefly discussed in Muscle (the book). It is a very good book- I spent time in the 90s on the periphery of the body-building/power-lifting subcultures and Muscle was very true to life. I can't see it being a comedy- it has some funny parts but all very grim and/or surreal.

Thanks to Evan Waters for cracking me up. Now I am off to use my Russo-Mexican tracking skills and create the very model of a modern man-made warwilf.

I dunno Lemur, the two power standard was alive (if not well) in the late 19th and early 20th century. But by 1930 it was already falling to the U.S., as the Washington Naval Conference had mandated parity with the Americans, and the Japanese were close.

Wait- when did we decide not to like the British? 'Cause that's bullshit.

Y'all need to back up off of Varsity Blues. That is a solid football teen movie with many quotable cheesy lines, Dawson's terribly accented "I don't wahnt yore life" chief among them also.

I didn't ask to be secretary of balloon doggies, the balloon doggies demanded it!

I know it's cool to hate on Lobsters but that was a pretty well-constructed burn.

Oh, you like that Phony Pope2? Fuck you!

I'm so hungry I could eat the ass end out of a dead rhino!

You think I like these clothes, man? You think I like this hair?

"Hey hey, Julie Tay-
How many actors did you cripple today?"

Damn, Lobsters, just give that fucking book to Goodwill and move on with your life, man.

Except now he is more like "Fatboy Curtis," amirite? 'Cause Larry is all fat now and stuff… fine, I'll show myself out.