Dr. Strangelovecraft

Always- what does that mean?

I remember VW was founded by the Nazis in the 1930s.

Mom… 'my nuts?

Crazy awesome!

So there are no intellectuals on the right? C'mon, don't be that guy. Just because Glen Beck is an idiot doesn't nullify the tradition that runs from Hayek to Posner.

Tea Leoni in Bad Boys. That is all.

I am Anti-Life, the Beast of Judgment. I am the dark at the end of everything. The end of universes, gods, worlds… of everything. And I only listen to Justin Bieber these days.

Keep up the Good Work, Chocoholic

She looked pretty good in The Joneses, which incidentally the AV Club review of was spot on- a good idea for a movie, not a bad cast, script goes in the toilet in the third act. Like goes from A-/B+ material to D- in the space of 15 minutes.

Yeah, and Louise is the seether because she had (has?) a vile temper, which I done seen in concert circa 1995.

I'm gonna fill your hoo-ha with goof juice!

Ok, that was pretty good.

Angus Young= not fat

Is somebody's marriage going to break up too? I mean, we already got the NC-17.

I thought Cabalvision was what let you see the Illuminati and black helicopters and stuff.

Who says he won't be, once he grows up to be a full, rather than half, man? 300k an ep buys a decent amount of Texas.

Yeah, it was the "two and a half human beings" adjustment that sold this.

Ok, Harry is being funny but he is right. I mean WTF, America? It's ok for kids to see absolutely absurd violence but sex is right out? Seriously?

I am the Me of my Dreams, only with twenty extra pounds of flab, banged up knees, and a bad back.