Dr. Strangelovecraft

They are both fine ladies. Why can't I have Milla AND Natalie?


Is schadenfruit when you feel joy at other people's gayness?

The Real Thing is awesome, and I still listen to it. "Woodpecker from Mars" is so awesome that I am going to listen to it now.

So I learned from attempting to confirm that LSG has not aged well that she is the cousin of the recently retired drummer for the Donnas. This in turn led me to the realization that the Donnas are now in the their early 30s, which means since I can remember when they were massive jailbait that I am in fact fucking

Hey, those puppies and co-eds were just begging for it.

Yeah, I sense my chance of getting tenure just decreased a bit…

More Evelyn Waugh should be made into movies. Scoop, Black Mischief, Put Out More Flags…

Jammer Jim is right and goddamn we are all a bunch of nerds.

"Conan, what is best in life?"

Hey, [expletive deleted] those guys! Let's [three lines redacted].

I watched:
The Joneses- concur with AV Club review- could have been great, 3rd act sucks: C+
(500) Days of Summer- thought it was better than AV Club, great performances by the leads, some annoying stuff but overall good: B+

@Peter F- I have heard it from residents as both Woo- and Wi-. But I was mostly around Clark U and its adjacent slums so maybe that is the problem.

Paging Dr. Biastioc…

Don't forget that the Rs make a comeback in random spots e.g:
"Where's the cah?"
"I got no idear."
"Ya fuckin' retahd."

I second Fred Garvin, but what if we throw in The Boxer (Daniel Day-Lewis) ?


That Eve is wicked smaht!

^^^Garth Ennis

"Thoroughly bearable?" That's what she said!