Pepe Le Mofo

There's no way Morales weighed more than Lights, considering how much taller and broader shouldered Lights is. This is the show trying to sell Lights as an underdog when it doesn't need to, he's already an underdog because of his age and lack of practice.

studio 60? Though the pilot was pretty flawed/mediocre

wrong beyonce song
really, 'irreplaceable' works way better than 'single ladies' for this list/is a better song.

Nah, dudes, "Bad" is great
sorry but you're wrong.

Ok this story was completely made up. Still a fake story about a rape tunnel is probably better shock art dressing your babies up as dictators.

Thank god for Richard Whitehurst
taking shock art seriously with his rape tunnel. Seriously http://tr.im/SbUw

always great when "how the fuck do you live with yourself" is answered with "you're right," so props for being an excellent sport, Scott.

That dude's the lead on Sons of Anarchy now! He does a sorta good regionally ambiguous American accent!

This question
"In order for She's Out Of My League to work, you have to believe that whatever chemistry exists between yourself and Alice Eve's character would have to transcend this distance between her being a 10 on the desirability scale, and your character being a 5. How did you go about developing that chemistry

Obligatory "bring back Chris Rock" thread
Bring back Chris Rock! Nah but the "what the hell are you talking about Sean Penn award" reminded me of when Chris Rock insulted Jude Law in his monologue and Sean Penn was so offended that he felt the need to defend Jude Law's honor an hour later when he was allowed to

So I finally saw Lethal Weapon last night
And Danny Glover was too close to the case as soon as he promised his friend to kill whoever was responsible. Also how the fuck did Mel Gibson still have a job there? He must have cost the department millions in lawsuits, in addition to being suicidal. Were the department

Numb3rs is currently in its 6th season, guys. It's been killin this friday shit from day 1.

Well Nicki's short, has giant tits, and most of her schtick is about being an absurd caricature of female sexuality. So the Lil Kim comparison makes sense. The difference is Kim's biggest contemporary influence was Biggie and Nicki's is Wayne so Kim tradec on ny street tough talk and Nicki on weird ass pop culture

It all started 110 years ago, when I was 12 years old

Fav YM Quotes
I exchange v-cards with the retards- Mack Maine
I'm attracted to her/with her attractive ass- Weezy F
I got her, ni**a/grocery bag- Gudda
Maybe it's time to put this pussy on your sideburns-Minaj
He say Nikki don't stop you da bestest/And I just keep coming off the top… asbestos-Minaj
I race for your

Jules and Jim
Really liked the vo in that, though not sure how essential it was. Though maybe there's a token French New Wave selection like there's a token Malick, Allen and Scorcese? (BTW tho Allen has shown vo mastery, I had no idea why he put that shit in Vicky Christina Barcelona, worst part of a pretty

it was probably the age I saw them both (13-14) but I think The Mouse That Roared is funnier than Strangelove.

The best part of Me Talk Pretty One Day is '12 moments in the life of an artist' which is a list that is better and funnier than any list I've read from the AVC, of which this inventory book is comprised. I am too tired to write clearly or know if this is ironic or coincidental or what.

man I'm kinda confused by all you motherfuckers recommending french new wave, as someone who likes a lot of old movies I saw Breathless a couple years ago and that shit just bored the fucking hell out of me. Then I watched Jules and Jim about a week ago and found it absolutely delightful, so who knows.