The Slim

You know, the stars really aligned for WWE to get behind women at this time and it seems they're still going to screw it up by not having a real story. You've got the thinnest male roster in recent memory (a statement Big Show agreed with on Jericho's podcast) and everybody hurt coinciding perfectly with the

Yeah man, and Jon Stewart's pre-Daily Show standup wasn't some of the most filthy stuff you could ever imagine littered with racism, sexism, and blue comedy, all delivered in a thick accent he later dropped. How is this stuff news? I am disappoint you give this type of story any credence, AV Club editors.

Don't forget how an entire character's last name is only what it is because Dunbar Armored Trucks is a big sponsor of the show. Netflix shows gotta eat, yo.

About Stamper and the needle of bourbon: He's using the needle because he can thus rationalize that he's just giving himself medicine, not drinking again. Its a way to physically demonstrate the way relapses start. He initially won't even do it himself, instead hiring a hooker to be his "nurse". Its all babysteps

"….yielding her agency to the bitter, bitter end." Not sure which is more "bitter": the ending of Mac's storyline to the author of this review, or the sum total of this author's reviews of this show the entire season.

Well, you got what you asked for. Thoughts?

A delicious double standard that has people working real hard to justify.

Yeah…"coffee and water" make you sober after a whole bottle of booze in…what time frame are you thinking, an hour or so? Yeah, no. Quinn was bombed on a whole bottle of booze. That's a full night before you're sober enough to consent no matter how much magic "coffee and water" you've had.

You misunderstand. He was falling over wasted. She used his nearly incapacitated vegetable of a body with its glassy eyed blank stare and vacant half smile for sex, which is rape (and which she clearly felt guilty about), and then……nothing. Quinn was a gentleman and took her to breakfast like it ain't no thing.

I'm no social justice warrior by any means, but, um, she straight up raped Quinn, which was a weird route to go, but I feel like if you're going to go that route they should have at least made some kind of reference to it instead of pretending it was just some mutually drunk hookup or something. At least have Quinn

So…where's the evil here? Walmart's truck hit Morgan's bus, causing a horrible chain of events. Morgan's own injuries were severely worsened not only by his own negligence but by his explicit breaking of the law — not wearing a seatbelt. Walmart is acknowledging its role in the accident and perfectly willing to pay

Yes you invariably end up with more cluttery crap on your computer from watching a 2 minute video on Cnn.com than you do downloading a verified torrent.

Radiohead on the cutting-edge just 9 short years behind The Decemberists.

Shit, I didn't want to be right.

I'm still curious why a couple weeks ago Tim never even brought up to the judges the fact that Kini MADE THE ONLY GOOD PART OF SEAN'S OUTFIT FOR HIM AND THEN SEAN WON BASED ENTIRELY ON THAT TOP.

Au contraire, Ms. Raisler! Rutina Wesley did make an appearance: Her voice was creepy-dubbed over the poor hapless girl playing childhood Tara for reasons surpassing understanding.

This is glorious news!

Once you upgrade the gun all the way its ALMOST playable. For all of the 5 minutes you manage to stay alive before losing the upgrades, of course.

Mr. Teti, kind benevolent sir, do you plan on resuming some of your delightful NFL coverage this season? If not weekly, than perhaps at least sporadically? Block and Tackle was lamentably short lived.

Kini got robbed, alas.