The Slim

I'm impressed the show didn't attempt to keep a piece of human garbage around like Hernan for longer as a "villain" type. I'd thank God, but we all know reality television is a godless enterprise.

Other than the fact that Amanda Fuller in no way resembles an actress much less Brittany Murphy, this will be great.

SPOILERS, obviously:

And that's that story of how once again Boyd Crowder got a Crowning Moment of Awesome. And it was, in point of fact, awesome.

"He had a much larger role in the original novel." Yes, getting fucking eaten by a velociraptor.

I like the way you think, sir.

Haha, I don't mean to oversell it. Its not exactly highbrow and the middle third is terrible, but its genuinely amusing in many places, especially on…ahem….St. Patrick's Day. Yeah.

Big Stan was Rob Schneider's surprisingly funny take on this exact concept from 7 years ago. White collar dude sentenced to hard time seeks to get tough before his term begins. Except David Carradine was the Kevin Hart character and Jennifer Morrison was the Alison Brie role.

I remember when this movie was called Big Stan. Sorry Kevin Hart, you're no David Carradine.

Yes and Garrett also graced a reference to Coulson about "getting out of tight spots together" with a certain, man I gotta use the word "flirty" edge.

I admittedly haven't read the 406 comments to see if this has been mentioned, but did anyone else get some really weird homosexual overtones/subtext between Bill Paxton and Coulson? It was so odd. I couldn't even tell if it was intentional or not, it was just…*there*.

This. Leave the Newswire decisions to Sean, Mike Vago. You blew it here.

Pretty sure it was. It was heavily, heavily implied, and its animation is different from the "cupcake" powder. You might want to urban dictionary "snowballing".

Pam spending 1/4 of the episode with semen on her lips only to wipe it off self-consciously when Archer tells her truck stop cokeheads aren't true friends was pretty marvelous. The wipe-off was a blink-and-you-miss-it joke, but I laughed out loud.

Jay Leno…..cruel?

I've watched that video numerous times and for the sake of fairness I've tried to go into it from the perspective of "this is a horrifying violent beating" and search it for evidence to prove that and…..there is no violent beating that happens.

No one was "at fault", is the point. She earned gold. Period.

Wow, Sonia. I don't know why your rage is so misplaced, but Adeina Sotnikova did nothing to deserve it. Sure, she wasn't the artist Yuna was, but she strove for a greater height than Yuna was comfortable with, and she achieved it. Yes, she stumbled once, but the scoring doesn't negate you hard for a minor mishap on

Its incredibly obvious if you go into the video unbiased that those "cossacks" couldn't have been less committed to their roles if they were a pre-rehab group of Christian Slater clones, guys. Wandering aimlessly, limply flicking their wrists every now and then, inflicting absolutely no harm. It was theatre. I'm

It appears a troubling number of people here don't understand that the "Cossacks" were part of the act. It was all theatre with everyone in on it until the actual police came at the end. They weren't really being "whipped by militia" they were being "whipped" by guys dressed as militia in order to symbolize how the