The Slim

Meh. In wrestling its all about the "rub", aka transferring your popularity or "overness" as either villain or hero to someone else in some form, right? For whatever reason Ellsworth's continuing popularity isn't transferring particularly well to Carmella even though theoretically it should since he doesn't make

I enjoyed Last Man Standing and its cancellation was definitely a giant WTF moment that isn't justified from a business perspective no matter how much ABC claims it just "didn't want to do comedy on Friday" anymore or whatever….

That's her own manager saying that about her, the way its phrased in the article. Yowch.

I will miss LaToya's reviews if they go away. That is all.

As for Kristen's somewhat inexplicable booking, Lorne and his cadre/circle of more left-leaning rich as hell friends all across the media landscape have a sort of out of nowhere softspot for people like her, or, say, Miley Cyrus. I don't know if its some kind of wish fulfillment or nostalgia for what they remember or

People who use Tramadol to get high are a special kind of stupid. Enjoy your seizures and garbage "high".

Yep. Similar situation to yours for me, I researched it after the label freaked me out and just started cold-water separating all my pills into pure oxy and just drinking the filtered tiny remainder dissolved in water with a couple generic Ibuprofen on the side. Doesn't taste great, but you're your own built-in time

I try not to wade into politics much these days, but I must say, whether you like his agenda and think he'll be a glorious leader for a bold American Future, or you hate everything he stands for and think he'll be a tinpot dictator that'll take us backward and send us all to the mines, its completely impossible to

Anyone who thinks Sherlock is "done" is very silly. Sure, they might not show up again for several years, but barring the deaths of the major players and creators, it'll always come back around when time and ideas permit.

It was a shame and one of those where you wish the interference had happened earlier, oddly enough. There were a number of moments where you could tell Alexa wasn't picking up what Becky was laying down and would do completely the wrong thing or fail to do anything at all.

Bingo. This is his new gimmick to attempt to separate and differentiate his "brand" from the pack. Its smart, really, but he's always had good instincts on where the money is if you're free from the fetters of ethics.

The kind of crazy that runs a morning zoo program and makes fun of people's wives on air for having miscarriages.

The thing with Cornette is (I've listened to…way too much of his podcast and shoots, and the political stuff is overboard no matter your perspective, wow) he doesn't so much want the 80s back, because even in the 80s everyone knew it was scripted. Hell, they knew it was scripted in the 40s.

It was so completely nasty and out of left field for the character it actually had shock value.

Please be this!

Haven't seen this show before, simply posting to inquire what the unholy hell is going on with Geena Davis's face in that picture.

Paulson's character was meant to be a loving homage to Kristen Chenoweth who is eternally Sorkin's "The One Who Got Away" in real life and that he had an on and off thing with for awhile (iirc they were "on" again during production of this).

Ed Harris isn't selling the William connection. At all. It can't be that no one told him as an actor — various plot manifestations preclude that. I can't help but watch his performance and go "okay so now you're going to have some kind of perhaps nostalgic sorrowful disconnect to who you were" and NOPE. Just

No cooperation, the creator stated he deliberately avoided all of that, wanting to keep his depiction separate.

Extremely minor spoiler that is relevant to this episode (I won't even specify anything)—