
So take that, Jews.

You know how Joe Dimaggio spent his vacation?

You know how Joe Dimaggio spent his vacation?

The only reason I ever liked them was because the girl looked so doped-up when she sang. Seven minutes later that too became tiring, and now I hate them all.

The only reason I ever liked them was because the girl looked so doped-up when she sang. Seven minutes later that too became tiring, and now I hate them all.

Boy's hard as fuck yo. Shoe to the mah-fahn CHEST! Just got yo ass straight-up Biebered.

Boy's hard as fuck yo. Shoe to the mah-fahn CHEST! Just got yo ass straight-up Biebered.

Outstanding stuff Sir.

Is this George The Animal Steel's new act? I love it when he eats the stuffing out of the turnbuckles. He's like a big retarded teddy bear.

"Gwen Stefani explored her own solo career and motherhood…"

seeeMOHHHHNNn esse.

2666 is outstanding, but if you want a shorter one that no one has mentioned, try Amulet.

He mowed down MC's like he was mowing the lawn. RIP.


They never judge you.

Dandys Suck, OK?

This Marley character sounds interesting. 

That child abuse themed tune about him punching his kid was pretty funny. I'd punch Rufus too if I got the chance. But I'm sure you're right…I can't imagine him being able to hit very hard.

Here's how I keep them straight: In one, he kept slapping that girl in the face because she kept calling him a stupid piece of shit, and in the other he sledge hammered a pig during a dance number with Squiggy.

I'm not sure why so many people are trashing the opportunity to meet their SAW favorites, like Captain Merrill Steuben, Gopher, Julie, and Token Black.