
Sure he does. It's called his face. And it's fucking disgusting.

acquitted = "sellout"

Clown college? Pff. You can't eat that. Wait, I mean, what the fuck is this shit now? Wayne; Stop It. You're done, dude. You're done.

Trent Reznor is the little brother of Huey Lewis. Nobody knows that but me.

That's Mr. Gerbik's cuz. Which makes you almost famous, if he really found some mud for his turtle 'tween your missus' thighs.

Do you want me to read it or do you want me to fuck it?

"fluorescent lights play across wet rubber coats and gloves, while pinkish entrails slosh about…"
It's sounds like the sweet-sixteen party that I never had…

Bling Bling, from Bumfights.

That sounds like an awesome read. And it explains a lot about Dre and Cube.

When will they add a poorly assimilated Moroccan family and a grubby cornershop?

A Poopy-Marr joint, as it were.

His next collaboration is going to be with Lil Poopy. I just know it.

Tofu is mordant.

Whew…you must have been busy stuffing your wineskin with meatloaf too.

I'm going to continue stuffing my wineskin full of meatloaf, thank you.


I'm guessing 'bunny'.

How did I miss Die More Harder? Did it go straight to video?

Awesome. I fucking love TEDtalks. Very informative stuff.

Shit's tight yo. Robert Matthew Van Winkle is back to rock our lame asses. With home lighting.