
I would say he's more ashy than white.

No it don't. Black Elvis got his own grammar. Just aks him bout it. He be like; Danm.

Kieth Moon? Why aren't they asking Kool Kieth? Dr. Octo would SO be down with this event, not to mention Chewbaca Uncircumcised.

Too true Joe. 

"…a tumble that's been attributed to the album's lack of successful
singles and Madonna's limited promotion via TV appearances and live

It's loomier.

ding ding ding!

I would like to see a movie about 3 strangers trapped in a large cardboard box; They can't get out because it's taped shut. They are miraculously mailed to Mogadishu. Hilarity ensues.

Did you know he was Bob Barker's little brother?

Please get Kool Kieth to do the music for this. And Automator.

Dear Scott P,

Every scene in Prarie Home Companion involving LiLo. Barforama.

No, he's thinking Ronaldo McDonald.

I just hope her baby don't come out all fucked up and shit.


Better the Muppets than the Feebles. That crew was seriously effed up and probably would have given Kurt the AIDS.

"What is this? Like, Star Wars Freebase?"

Nation of Islam would get far more respect if they didn't look like a bunch of pissed-off Urkels.

I really enjoyed the adaptation of Hungry Hungry Hippos. I'm just not sure why they called it The Color Purple.

Shit take mushrooms?