
Brora's damn opposed. He's damn damn damn opposed.

Shit. I thought for sure this would be the one where you could be Sean Palmer, and blow Damian Sanders' head of with a .44. Or at least the one where you could be Craig Kelly and die in an avalanche. Where is this 80's nostalgia they're talking about?

Sounds like more than one person here attended Gudger College.

Damn. That shut me right up. Snap.

GCB's wit HIV. Don't they know about OPP? I'd like to see Kenny Powers hit them all in the face with a fastball, then go wiener-poop on their tummies. 

I believe so. After all, his son was named Papa Boner.

Adult Swim should bring back Home Movies, but with Brendon and Jason being violently homophobic, foul-mouthed black kids who are always raping Melissa, and making movies about it.

Actually a Papa Smurf raped the Eraserhead baby.

I would so cook that thing and eat it. That should be a new Columbus Day tradition, as opposed to going shopping for discounted shoes.

Kids should really avoid this and watch that film about Jay Reatard instead. He was a real-life Lorax.

For some reason this movie gave me the monster shits, and now I'm diarrheatarded.

I enjoy imagining how ugly he's going to look when he's 50. Wait, I mean 30.

I dunno. Am I the only one who prefers Big Wayne to this guy? I mean, this one's all "ahma shizzablitz getza kickz witta bluhhh cumma gettitz uhhh" with spit dripping out his grill, while Big Wayne is all;

And don't no one come back here tellin me that a two uh hearts beats a Dawes. I ain't stupid.

Now I'm all confused; a once hipper band told me these gents are shite. And now my ol mind is a goin on me, and I can't rightly remember who's got the hip trump. Does a Mogwai beat a Blur or is it the other way round?

What's the big deal? Electronic music fucking sucks, and if you like it you're stupid. No big whoop.

The videos to Area 51 showcased a plethora of potential republican candidates, all of whom should still be considered for the 2012 ticket. Not to mention some kick-ass shredding that was all TWEEDLEduhdeedleDEEDLEdee!

How many people caught that "very special episode" where the girls walked in on Uncle Jesse smoking rock and beating off to gay porn? I can't seem to find that one anywhere on tv-links.

I'm still holding out for the Bang Tango reunion. Got a tube of airplane glue I've been saving for 21 years in a safe deposit box for that one.

First album in 8 years? Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you; The World's Least Industrious Jew.