
I saw one episode, and was disappointed that this was not about a town being run by cougars, or any other type of jungle cat. It was just about a bunch of miserable middle-aged sluts. Which begs the question, why was this show not titled "Miserable Middle-Aged Slut Town"?

Tyler suck dick.

It's just a bunch of fucking noise, people. But it's better than Mogwai, I'll give em that.

Does he still ride around on roller skates smashing watermelons? 'Cause that shit was great, especially at the end of Wonderwall.

Anyone else notice that the voice of Bob is actually McGurk the drunken soccer coach from Home Movies? Now THAT was a fucking cartoon, boy.

No…He's Homer Simpson's neighbor.

This guy's the next Hemingway. Quick; Pass the shotgun Chuck.

Shoulda stayed on the smack lads. Shoulda stayed on the smack…

I love these guys, but they are AWFUL live. Ian; Please Don't. Or if you must, please don't sing.

Wow. Girls are so dumb. If you want to impress a guy all you have to do is put out. Don't be mean to each other. That just saps your energy and cuts in to your possible putting out time. Oh, and be skinny but not like gross skinny. Just be hot skinny. Throwing up every time you eat isn't cool, so keep it down to about

I thought he died in a terrible motorbike accident. Oh, wait; that was just some wonderful dream I had long ago, on warm spring night…

A movie about teenagers fucking? Why didn't I think of that? This guy's like the Jackson Pollock of film.

This is confusing. I keep hearing how good these guys are, but Tyler suck dick. Bitch.

It be called "Propecia". Mm! Dass a BEUATIFUL name for my baby gurl…

Take it from me: Teaching Sucks. And yet it's still one of the best jobs out there.

yes! Yes! YES!!! Get up there and ROCK old man!

Ich bin auch Das Racist!

Although he would most definitely give a crippled crutcher crabs. Canceraids too.

Someone should pass a law stating that any time Axl Rose opens his mouth, the person in closest proximity must fill it with 4 pieces of cat shit, 12 thumb tacks, and a squirt of llama semen.

Who wouldn't be upset if you went to your own movie premier and were given herpes? What's that? Oh…I'm being told she was given some sort of FLOWER ARRANGEMENT, Not a VENEREAL DISEASE.