
I can sort of see the point as well, but to set a certain price seems rather arbitrary. Does this mean that albums sold at $3.50 count the same as those sold at $15? Albums are sold at different prices all the time, and I don't see a way to account for that without setting an arbitrary number.

Recruiting kickers is kind of a crapshoot, considering they kick from tees to extra-wide goalposts in high school. Cade Foster wat a 5-star recruit who could probably have gone anywhere in the country. Saban's the one who got him, but it's not like there were a bunch of other coaches out there who could just tell he

Okay, you've convinced me. I need to read this.

I've been going the "from the beginning" route as well, and the first two were good, but maybe not the kinds of things I would imagine making me want to read 30 of them. I actually like Equal Rites quite a bit. I believe the fourth one is Mort? In which case, you ought to really like it, or else maybe the books just

Because of the implication…

Dennis must have had a heavy hand in the music choice.

I noticed it on WGN or something, which I guess might be a local channel. It's basically the repository for reruns of Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, Seinfeld, etc.

I kind of imagined he would lose the weight in some kind of equally horribly unhealthy way, such as taking Dennis up on his offer to smoke a bunch of crack.

I loved the episode. Particularly the characters making specific references to it being the 1700s.


Cannibalism, racism? Dude, those aren't for us. Those decisions are better left to the suits in Washington. We're just here to eat this dude.

Because they're both not as good as they once were, I guess… But Futurama is merely at "still quite funny and worth watching, but not perfectly crafted down to every detail like it was before," whereas the Simpsons is legitimately pretty bad.

Just to confirm that there is absolutely no agreement on this, I thought "Mac and Charlie Write a Movie" was excellent (I love Charlie's horrible ideas and his misunderstanding of what a "twist" is), as was the wrestling episode, but I wasn't really a fan of the World Series episode.

I don't think spending the whole episode in a completely new set qualifies as a bottle episode.

Well, except for "The Edge of Destruction." But, uh, yeah, it's been a while…

The best thing about it is each sketch is only about 15 seconds, so if one sucks, you don't have to endure it for too long. I'm not going to sit here and argue it's the pinnacle of comedy or anything, but it's certainly entertaining.

Like everyone else, I'm going to have to disagree here and say that shot was completely ridiculous.

If anything, it's the MOVIES that use shallow character development, not the show. If you think Picard's development was better in this than in the show, I implore you to rewatch "Family," "I, Borg," "Lessons," or "Tapestry."

Why would he hate that it was even used? Wasn't the ship designed specifically to fight the Borg?

In my mind, the new timeline is eventually completely taken over by the Borg as we see in "Parallels"