I thought it was fungus. Or was that another time?
I thought it was fungus. Or was that another time?
fezes, stetsons, bowties… all cool.
Not sure what this says about people's ideas about gay people, but it does seem to say people love to get into other people's business.
Well, they live in the ghetto, it's hard to find a job and they probably can't afford college.
The attributes of these characters should be dictated by the writers and performers, not anyone else. I certainly agree that teaching kids about being gay, and teaching that it is a normal thing, is good. But why does a group have to insist that Bert and Ernie specifically need to come out as gay? As the statement…
I had a short debate in my head over whether to type "there are people who…" or "Bad Horse…"
I figured you hadn't drunk or slept with anyone, but I thought maybe it wasn't by choice, and at some point the director just decided to turn on the camera and see what happened.
That comment makes it sound like I hate Jonathan Frakes. I think I just tend to view all the other cast members in comparison to Stewart's acting.
I figured there would be people who wouldn't like it (after all, there are people who don't like "The Inner Light.") In fact, I wondered if it would hold up to my memories when I watched it myself. But I was pleasantly surprised. I agreed that the ending was a little sudden, but I thought Frakes really shined in the…
Yes, Jesus. Yes, it does. That's probably what Klingons call it, though.
It's been a bit since I've seen that one… How was there code that would play a video? It was in DNA? How did they know mutations wouldn't occur that would completely wipe out the message? Am I misremembering this? The weird thing is, I'm totally okay with the whole "we scattered pieces of DNA throughout the universe…
Not that it needs to be said yet again, but I'm with everyone else here. Awesome news. I love these shows.
Maybe something focusing on someone other than the Federation.
Definitely not a fan of the Chase, though as an episode it's certainly more watchable than crap like "Cost of Living" or most season 1 episodes. Usually with stuff that doesn't make sense (in this case, "why is everything humanoid?"), sometimes it's better to just leave it unexplained than to come up with some…
No Risa episode can ever be as bad as the DS9 one. Good god. The TNG one was actually the best I can think of. I assume Voyager never went to Risa, and the Enterprise Risa episode (assuming there's only the one) is pretty subpar, and this is coming from someone who actually likes Enterprise.
Seriously. Why play the wrong chord? There are plenty of ways to legitimately interpret the music differently in performances.
But really it's just like whether Pluto's a planet or dwarf-planet. It doesn't really mean anything different about us/Pluto based on what we call it, it's just about our own labeling practices. The grouping of different species gets a little blurry at times.
Well, there's an argument about whether humans are actually apes or not. There are a lot of physical similarities, but then again, we also use bipedal locomotion, complex language and culture, have very different teeth, feet, and pelvises, and especially different heads.
Wait, what is supposed to happen to pets if we don't have them? That is, the ones like dogs that have been bred for over 10,000 years specifically to interact with, help, and need humans?
I have some sort of vague inkling that scientific research on animals doesn't exactly work like it's depicted in this film…