
Obviously neither is "indisputably better" because it's being disputed right now. /thatguy

I also wish they had used "just 2 guys" in the album. That was my favorite part of that one pilot episode they produced that time.

It's good stuff. The music is usually quite good as well. It wouldn't work for me at all if the music was total crap, funny or no. I haven't had the chance to hear the new album yet, but I was a big fan of "Incredibad." Some of the songs (I'm thinking "Boombox") were misses for me, but I'd say about 75% are very very

It's basically another way of saying "um" now. Get used to it.

I love love LOVE …Is the Soul Machine, though I have somewhat the experience Aurora Boreanaz had. Well, someone got me into the aforementioned album, so I had heard of him before Gnarls, but I didn't know anything about his work in Goodie Mob or DF. Now I have to go check that out.

I'm not a fan of laugh tracks, but it's certainly not enough to completely turn me off of a show.

I loved when Neelix was getting insanely jealous over Kes. It was probably the greatest thing ever.

A Worf-centric film would be the bees knees. Provided it's not Berman at the helm

I own V, but just because I bought the whole set of TOS films.

Apologies for the inconsistent use of quotation marks

Yeah, I'd go with Where No Man Has Gone before, rather than the Cage, because it has so much more to do with the show as it became. I'd rather watch "The Menagerie" than "The Cage," in any case.

Cattivo, it's a guarantee that you would have been ripped off at Quark's, so don't feel bad. I just hate that I never got to go at all.

And if they don't like "Who Watches The Watchers," they're probably not going to be a big Star Trek fan (at least for TNG), so why bother coaxing with the other episodes?

But thanks to the mirror universe, Sisko got to bang just about every woman on the show. So, there's that

Yeah, Prole Hole, that's true. I mean, as everyone's mentioned, Picard got tired of his "perfect fantasy" after about 3 minutes. At least Kirk seemed to be enjoying himself. Once he got tired of it, I'm sure he still could have found his way onto the Enterprise.

Voyager's not just bad, it's disappointing. The premise is so interesting, and they never use it properly. I mean, the show is ostensibly all about them getting home, and it's so often either not an issue (Because the episode is a subpar TNG rehash), or they spend the whole episode making absolutely 0 progress. I

You could always just netflix the disc. That's what I did with the Twilight movies.

The reason it worked against Khan was because he'd never used a Federation starship before. You'd think it'd be the first thing Riker, Geordi, Data, anyone besides Troi would think of, REGARDLESS of whether they knew the Duras sisters were using those codes.

Well, we have two more seasons of TNG before DS9 coverage starts, so I imagine it shouldn't be too much longer before Netflix has it anyway.

okay, Khanthrok, I see I misread your post. I'm still glad it gave me a chance to to dog on Insurrection and Nemesis, though.