
True. Kirk cheated and got rewarded for it. Obviously he didn't get anyone killed, but it shows the general principle of allowing ambitious mistakes.

Another issue with the Abrams movie: How was it that a supernova was a threat to the entire galaxy?

Check page 2 of the comments, Batmandu

I think that theory is kind ruined by Voyager. But then, apparently so is Q entirely. But again, I haven't made it far. Just picking this up from hearsay.

Unintentional humor is certainly better than failed intentions of humor.

I decided to get the DVDs of seasons 3-7 of TNG, which I'm happy having. I don't think I'll ever spring for 1-2, honestly. I also have seasons 3 and 5 of DS9, and started watching from season 3 a couple years ago. I traded off buying DVDs and ordering them on Netflix (based on my budget at the time). Of course now

Be it scientific truth, historical truth, or personal truth!

Yeah, but you (well, maybe not you, but I) actually appreciated Wesley as a character so much more by the end of the episode, which to me is far more gratifying than just seeing an annoying character die.

I agree, Eponymous. I was expecting not to after your first paragraph, because I really like the concept as an anthropologist (well, an anthropological archaeologist). There have been so many times in history when people have come in and figured "hey, let's help out these savages by showing them the way things are

I'm with Bad Horse (I think). The First Duty is awesome. Though sometimes I'm not sure how to predict Zack's reaction to certain episodes.

Damn right, jbmd!

While I totally agree with you in principle about the Abrams movie (though I certainly enjoyed it for the most part), would Spock not have still found some other Vulcans to help him perform the ritual to get his Katra (sp?) back after being reborn? Also, who knows, maybe they handled Kahn completely differently in the

I think we'll just have to agree to disagree about the Steven King thing. I suppose it's been so long since I've watched QL that I forgot there were early episodes of that ilk as well. I kind of suspect a lot of aspects of that show haven't aged well, but it was certainly a childhood favorite of mine.

I thought we were just talking about the main ships (or space station) of the shows. Otherwise I'm sure you could find a human science officer on SOME ship

I wouldn't say DS9 did it either, but I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say it was "lipstick lesbianism." It's not like it was terribly graphic - there was one kiss. Other than that one kiss (which felt emotionally and thematically appropriate to me), I didn't think they over played up any kind of "oh look, sexy ladies

Heh. I'm not sure I would call the comicscomics place an "enemy," though they certainly seem to think comics get short shrift here. The only other thing I saw them really complain about was the letter grades, which is a constant source of debate here anyway. However, I did read a terrible Something Awful article about

This is being discussed elsewhere, but I found it compelling to show the "heterosexuals" as the outcasts. Additionally, part of the importance was showing how arbitrary sexual taboos can be between consenting adults. But I can certainly see why you would think they didn't push the concept far enough, particularly when

I completely miss some of these threads, which makes me sad. Sometimes on Sunday I'll think "oh crap, I missed the review!" I have so much I want to say about it, but by that time it's pointless.

I can see how you might get bored by the same scenes playing again (I personally disagree, but YMMV). However, I would have to agree that the way the ship gets impacted affecting the explosion seems like kind of a minor detail that is pretty easy to brush off, considering all the suspension of disbelief you already

Never underestimate the willingness of nerds to discuss Star Trek at length.