
I would have given both Dauphin and the Royale lower grades. Personally, with a 'B' for both, I would give just about every 4th season episode an eBay-type grade like A++++


Vash is only a "femme Indiana Jones" in that they're both terrible archaeologists.

I'm kind of surprised with how much "Royale" love I've seen coupled with how much "Masks" hate I've seen here.

But… Mirina Sirtis IS British, is she not?

Patrick Stewart is simply hands down a better actor. Yes, Shatner was much more suited to the role of Kirk than Stewart would have been, but it doesn't change the fact that Stewart is an immensely better actor.

Definitely sounds like the kind of phrase that could be used in reference to a Star Trek episode.

But they'd already done the Moby Dick thing with TWOK. And the whole Moby Dick comparison kind of got shoehorned in there in the middle of the movie. I thought it was kind of clumsy.

It's pretty much the best thing Goldberg's ever done. Growing up, I had a really good impression of her… until I saw other stuff she'd done…

Come on, you always knew Chani was like that.

Re: spinoffs
I'm definitely with you there. I'm actually just now going through Voyager on netflix, and I still plan to finish the whole thing. But I can pretty safely say I wouldn't be doing it if I weren't already so into Star Trek.

Well, I'm not going to say it was perfect, but I look forward to these enough that I'm cool with it coming out and then being proofread.

I would personally start off with a really good episode to get acquainted with just how good the show can be (also something emblematic of the show - like "Darmok," mentioned earlier for TNG). But after that I think it'd be good to go chronological. You don't want to go through all the best episodes at once. It's good

Phodreaw: thanks for ruining T'pol for me

I was thinking this too. They further confirm it with *DS9 SPOILER* Bashir's troubles in some DS9 episodes.

Riker was never my favorite character, but I always thought he was great. I don't understand why so many people hate him so much.

Re: Awful reboots. Back to the Future was on the other day and I asked my wife when she thought they would make a remake of that. She almost hit me.

I liked him in "Master of Disguise"

@Bad Horse: I guess there's a resurgence of fusion cuisine in the 24th century.

@defenestrator: I think it could be a good series, but it would definitely have to be approached somewhat differently from TNG. No, you don't get to have the scenes of all the high-ranking officers hashing out their decisions… but in return, you can get other scenes - how about the rest of the people on the ship who