It's not like you need a finely tuned instrument to know that Dawn's breakdown wasn't going to go anywhere.
It's not like you need a finely tuned instrument to know that Dawn's breakdown wasn't going to go anywhere.
I will hand it to Malcolm for finally putting on his big boy pants and not only using one but two idols and finally booting the insufferable Phillip.
I'd say it was totally a big move, possibly even game changing.
Cochran and Dawn ousted Corinne last week. That was a big move.
I doubt he considers "No one else is worth fucking" a comment worthy of criticism. Edit: (I looked at his Twitter and he's apparently married to boot. Nice.)
I think it would interesting if any pairs ended up on opposing alliances. But that probably won't happen and it'll be like that extremely dull season of Big Brother where they played as couples.
I despise Rupert. I hope he's not coming back. I'm not sure I can take listening to his weird speech patterns and Grover voice.
He has claimed he was a petty bitch in his confessionals, but they chopped it all out.
I don't know about that. The guy is extremely handsome. He looks like the Disney Beast post-transformation.
I did not like Malcolm last season either! High five!
I think he thought they were splitting the vote between him and Reynold (instead of Eddie and Reynold as he had been told) and voted for Reynold in hopes to sway the vote his way.
I do not think Malcolm is nearly the strategist everyone else thinks he is (or that he seems to think he is). He talks a shitload about big moves, but when has he ever successfully executed one?
The "fuckable" quote was the nail in the coffin for me. I have been WILLING myself to try to like Reynold since the start of the season and every episode he says something douchey that keeps me from getting there.
I took the notice to mean cameras too, smartass, since it says "cameras".
I agree. Though I've never understood the appeal, I've never been bothered by phones at a show the way I am in a movie theater.
It would have moved my enjoyment of the show forward, so I was hoping Corinne would pull it off, though her desire to see him booted seemed like it was only based on ego.
Nearly every line of that reads like a ridiculously over the top lie. If anyone fell for it past the headline, they should be deeply ashamed. And even the headline is suspect.
@numbcruncher:disqus Kit Harrington is only the hottest if you're 12 and like One Direction. That guy is like a black hole of charisma.
Maybe I should revisit it? I remember the art being fairly poor, with all the characters looking like slight variations on each other, and the stories being Saved by the Bell-esque ideas of what some one thinks high school must be like for cool, fun kids.
Oh my.