Ghosts of Princes in Towers

Meanwhile those of us who are actually 35 dress like slobs in graphic t-shirts and ripped up jeans and get mistaken for teenagers.

I think it's all just down to preparation - whether they're talking about a song they love, a song they hate, or a song they like that everyone else hates, it's going to be boring unless they've really put some thought into it.

I'd like to see a musician sincerely pick one of their own songs.

Yeah, same here. I've actually been kind of hoping they'd start interviewing commenters. I'm pretty sure most people here know what makes up a good hate song article by this point.

Hey, I actually want this and will be entering.

Weird how you flip out about some paranoid fantasy about being silenced, yet you have no issue with shouting down or chasing off others.

Well, for what it's worth, I find the constant political discussion and the moronic hive mind here such a turn off that I probably won't post here much anymore. So you are actively repelling at least one person, not that I suppose you give a shit.

Man, I used to really like Peter Jackson too. Why is he doing this? Why hasn't someone poured a bucket of ice water on him already?

I misread. I thought your final line implied I had a history of lashing out at you.

I think I've only approached you once before, at least about this. Maybe you get a lot of people pointing out how your comments oftentimes have nothing do with anything. That wouldn't surprise me.

I guess I get frustrated by the way you hijack conversations and turn the comment board into the discussion that you want to have rather than, I don't know, a relevant or interesting one.

Maybe I'm putting to much importance on the prior times I've seen them on this board.

I have no interest in silencing you. What a weird thought. I just think you're boring.

I think this is the sort of idea that would be funny if stated in a dumb conversation with your friends. It's not something I needed to see executed, and it actually detracts from the joke, I think, to see someone actually put effort into it.

I'm not upset. But I am surprised you don't realize you come across as someone hulking out any chance they get.

Life is Strange (same studio as Remember Me) operates a bit like, only not exactly with save states. Your character can rewind time to either solve puzzles or fix mistakes you've made (you don't always have to fix them).

I don't think you realize how you come across then.

Every time I see you, you're tossing outrage around, oftentimes in irrelevant ways. Doesn't it get tiring?

I haven't been paying close attention to this season and i just recently realized Becky and Shelli are different people.

Huh, episode 4 has been my least favorite so far by a long shot. At least story wise - I loved the detective puzzle.