The Feed

Phel, I don't know, but all evidence points to some sort of inheirent genetic flaw with x chromosones. Brick was goddamn amazing. I love noir, and Brick is one of those movies that I have not only seen a million times but one that i've forced everyone I know to watch. Thats how you know i really like you, if I force

It makes me wonder that too.

I don't get all the hate for the game goin on here. In most gaming circles Max Payne 1 is considered fairly classic. It was the first game to really implement the bullet time mechanic, which was fun as hell at the time. The story was basic revenge plot but had enough twists to keep you engaged, and most importantly,

17. What do you call a man with no arms and no legs in a Sizzler? The fool who got to close to Chang at the buffet.

And hellooooooooooooo troll.

9. The only substance Chang has been known to refuse is the body of Christ. He's saving that for last. The very, very last.

God no it doesn't. The new family guy is absolute shit and no amount of perspective changes that. As for the new simpsons…meh.

You know, i can honestly say that after seeing the commercials i honestly did not think of this in AD terms at all. They just don't strike me as too related. I honestly had pretty low expectations, but this show has made me curious. I want to root for it, like an underdog.

i did like the i need a catchphrase joke.

Yeah, I get a good feeling about it even if I don't feel like it earned it. Maybe its just daring for being on fox.

Miracle Grohe
I was suprised at how Miracle Grohe's character seemed like a vicious satirzation. While most of the characters were relatively underdeveloped(re: bland), her character seemed to have a suprising amount of venom behind it. From her first line in the show "I can't see with this God Will Protect Me bumper

Dear God NO:

…all I got was a rock.

Yeah, I don't really get the Phel bashing. I mean, I don't love her or hate her, she seems nice enough I guess(high praise right?) but I just…don't get it?

As much as it kills me to say it, The Kid was not a horrible movie. For a family comedy. Bruce Willis seems to be having a good time, and its fun watching him, and the fat kid is pretty funny character, and easy to sympathise with. I also remember them having pretty good onscreen chemistry. Its been awhile since I


(should have thrown this in with the comment above)

Because thats what everyone always goes for when you point out that homosexuality isn't the norm.

No, I gotta say heterosexuality's pretty much been the norm for a long while. Obviously not EVERYWHERE for ALL TIME,(so everyone who was scrabbling to type about ancient Greece and Rome just calm the fuck down,) but its pretty much status quo. Especially as we go farther back in time, where people get head chopin

Peachfuzz: "I have no good guess as to what exactly the internet will ultimately change about public discourse"?