
Needs more Kuby.

Alright show you brought in Shaw full time. This is good.

Let's be fair. As contrived as the show's numerous reasons for keeping Clay alive have been, he has nothing on Tig whose ability to commit random and increasingly problematic murders because he loses his cool has almost become a seasonal thing. Seriously go back and count how many people have died due to Tig's murders

The AV Club
Has at least one gimmick poster.

Are you guys trying to be more like the Emmy's? Is that why you keep not listing Sons of Anarchy?

What no Sons of Anarchy? Or am I missing something?

"Wow, Batman playing good cop."

Bye Kenny Johnson. Hopefully you can find your way to good show like Justified.

I miss Larry.

"Only five? You pussy."

Stop me if you've heard this one before: Tig loses his temper and murders someone and that murder will inevitably have severe consequences that he will continue to avoid and will cause suffering and misery for everyone else.

Mike asking Harvey if he'd put out was hilarious.

Man I was really hoping we'd see Beaver and uh whatshisname. 

So help me if I start getting Terriers notifications…

The difference between guys like Clooney or Keaton playing Batman and Affleck playing Batman is that Affleck has starred in a superhero movie before. It wasn't great.

Was really hoping they'd get Greg Ellis again.

Which show has the most incompetent police force: The Following or Dexter?

You mean the creepy ass tests that were only being performed because humans were absolutely terrified and were learning how to fight since the vampires basically declared war on humans last season by destroying all of the True Blood factories and committing multiple massacres (that bar, the frat house, etc)? Remember

Yawn. Another episode, another massacre of humans by vampires.

Tread lightly.