
Was that Bride of Nine Spiders!?

Worth noting that the pilot is miles better than both Blacklist and Sleepy Hollow combined.

I find it hard to criticize the show for trying to humanize the Governor despite his terrible past because, compared to shows like The Originals, True Blood, or Dexter, which have main characters who have done far more horrific things than the Governor could ever hope to do yet are still seen as 'heroic' by the

Won't be the same without Bullet.

Pounder actually plays Waller in Arkham Origins. So there's always that.

It may not be clear who is the hero on this show, but can we all agree that Rachel is the villain?

I really hope we'll get to see some interactions between Elias, HR, the New Gods, and/or Vigilance.

Just letting everyone know that Supernatural and Originals are also on tonight. Can't expect these guys to remember apparently.

I have enjoyed every episode of Revolution's new season. How did this happen? What happened to that awful show from a year ago?

You guys know that this whole What's On Tonight thing is pretty useless if you keep forgetting what is actually coming on tonight right?

"Yay! BMO is so pretty and smart!"

It is freaking hilarious that Charlie tries to call Monroe on acting. It's not just me right?

Shaw just continues to be the best.

Does Kevin not remember that Crowley slit his girlfriend's throat in front of him?

No escape from reality

'Heartbreaking'? This is Glee we're talking about. They're probably just gonna do a bunch of crappy Nirvana covers.

Acker killed it this ep. That shootout at the end was hilariously awesome.

This show is just keeps surprising me. By all accounts it SHOULD have ended with Lucifer's defeat. Yet despite all the setbacks and really bad stuff (the Leviathans being probably the worst), it just keeps being entertaining and NEVER a chore to watch (sup Dexter). It's kind of impressive actually.

Third week in a row you don't mention Sons of Anarchy despite reviewing it. 

Poor Huell is still sitting in that room…