
Badger and Skinny Pete are back but I just miss Combo.

The cat strangling scene was the dumbest fucking thing and I'm so glad it's never brought up again.

Still holding out hope that the final episode has Dexter getting shot to pieces by Mecha-Doakes.

Dibs on being the Crossbow.

I was honestly hoping the writers had forgotten Katrina existed.

The whole 'Dexter is the hero so root for him no matter what' thing this show is doing is EXACTLY the same thing that True Blood and a bunch of other shows are doing lately.

So when can we get rid of the Governer's Daughter? Because she is just awful in every way.

Man I wish this show turns out to be just a really messed up game of Connect Four between Cersei and Jamie. "Pretty freaky, sis"

That Amy and Fik-Shun dance was almost as good as the Wade Robson one a few seasons back.

Poor Louis. Give that man a real win.


Mara really is the worst thing about this show

And then kills the cast of Glee right? That way we'd get a guilt-free happy ending.

Aren't comedies supposed to be funny?

Can someone do an 'Innocent people killed by vamps' versus 'Innocent vamps killed by humans' count for this show? Because I guarantee the latter is going to be a lot smaller than the former.

These puns are causing me to break badly.

No Justified nods. No Orphan Black nods.

Hype levels = Max

"Surprise, Meatbag Fucker."

Vogel doesn't know what she's talking about. Michelangelo was a beast on the banjo man.