
That's what happens when you choose to do drugs. One day celebrities might figure this out but until then you can just add Mr. Monteith to that ever growing list. A cautionary tale that no one will listen to. Angry? Too bad. It's only going to keep happening.

If nothing else, this ep should (but won't natch) put the final nail in the "vampires are really super nice and only kill because they are being oppressed by those mean humans" coffin. It won't and logically that should have been done with in season 1 but whatever.

Tara wanted to free the Governor's daughter, not kill her. Because she's the only person who seems to understand that murdering the daughter of the guy leading the crusade against vampires might make things just a tiny bit worse.

Knowing this show, Bullet killed Kallie when she didn't throw away a banana peel properly. Kallie slipped and broke her neck when she fell into a garbage can, then her body rolled into the river.

Not gonna lie, this is the most I've liked a new USA show since Suits premiered.

Why the Nora hate? She's not great but damn you'd think she was Kate from Robin Hood from this review.

Nice of USA to show the result of the cliffhanger in the first second of next week's promo.

Davos continues to be the best character on the show.

Someone needs to rescue me from that terrible joke.

Lot of main characters named Mike on USA.

What idiot gave that reprehensible mess an A-?

If "Scott's Tots" doesn't get an F, we riot.

But now the AV Club weep o'er his hall with no one there to hear.

You mean Cat wasn't the Westerosi Umbridge?

"Oh dear me, we are in trouble."

Come back soon Chief Vick. :(

The true terror that waits in Level 12: Chris Hardwick

I fully believe that one of the Mathesons is capable of fucking up to the point of accidentally setting the world on fire.

Maybe I missed an issue or two, but whatever happened to Soranik Natu? Or Sodom Yat? Or Arisia?

Poor Gus will never know happiness. :(