
At least Gus is still alive.

TV. It knows what I want.

"I am tearing you apart Lisa!"

Rachel continues to be a total unlikable bitch. Charlie continues to be annoying and the worst character despite supposedly being the main character. Nora continues to be flatter than a piece of paper run over by a steamroller. Miles continues to be the only person who is allowed to win fights. Neville continues to be

Cochran went from wet noodle to smug douchebag.


Called it.

Who the hell is Chas?

Joffery goes from most hated character to most loved character in 5 seconds.

It's still funny that you think Irene is actually dead.

Par for the course for most Monroe Republic soldiers' competence.

Hopefully by season 2, they'll have given Tracy some acting lessons.

It'd like a B or an A but Sims doesn't do that for just any show.

Let's be honest, he's clearly filling the role that Danny was going to take. But since no one liked Danny at all and they killed him off, Aaron had to be the one to follow Rachel around and get everything explained to him.

Aaron is on the show to stutter in fear and have Rachel explain all the various things that the nanomachines can do.

Sims, if Joe and Emma die next episode will you give the episode an A?

Heeeeey you…

The point of the Theon mindfucking is that Ramsay is a complete asshole.

What character? She literally has only 3 different lines: saying she doesn't want the cure, insulting someone, and threatening to kill someone. That's it.

I'm sorry but humanity-free Elena is not "interesting". She's just a total bitch and unlike Katherine she's not even fun about it. Hilarious considering they're played the same actress but still. Katherine was and is always plotting something. Every scene with her is her playing some sort of angle. It makes her