
Corporate hellhounds!

Thank goodness!  I was thinking we needed more shows by useless cunts.

A lot of what was said up there is nonsense.  The Amish let in a group of British teenagers for a show called "Living with the Amish".

Kicking the K-Nowledge!  You failed to mention it costarred Zack Galafinakis, and had members of the UCB guest starring!

Joan Crawford of our time?
F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote of Joan Crawford:"She can't change her emotions in the middle of a scene without going through a sort of Jekyll and Hyde contortion of the face, so that when one wants to indicate that she is going from joy to sorrow, one must cut away and then cut back"

Not technically.  A troll says "The Big Bang theory sucks".   In fact it does not suck.

A brown bunny, for instance.

That is a very apt thing for you to say, because you also said "It don't do you no never mind to tell nobody nothing."

First, get the tits out of your eyes, Games of Thrones is not very good.

The music is good, but have you taken a glance at the lyrics?  My teenage daughter could write better than that.  And now the one thing that made them distinctive, the growly voice, is now gone and it's all vanilla rock.

Dude, send me an email when this show decides to start revealing information.  This criminal of the week shit is boring.

It's absolutely amazing that he used non-professional actors.  For the most part they did an excellent job.  Notable exception was 'L'Argent'.

Rutger Hauer acted the shit out of his role, making Ford look like an amateur.  They should be asking *him* to come back.  Yes, I know he died, but when has that ever stopped anyone?

Buncha goddamn Sally Fields up here in this motherfucker.  "You like me!"

“Way to keep yourself relevant through other people…” “…the Marc Maron school.”
I can see that coming from Cross as a way to deflect the issues that people have with Cross selling out.  The fact is that Maron is talented not only as a comedian, but also as an interviewer.  My guess is that Cross is a bit thin-skinned.

It is absolutely amazing to me how people are fooled into thinking that Brand is charming because of his accent.  It's why so many British actors do well over here.

What if nobody cared …

No, Fuck Mojo Nixon!  He wrote "Don Henley must die" in 1990!  Get some new material for Christs sake!

Mountains out of molehills.

Why does this not end this pointless discussion on how it's innovative?  Once "Blackadder" is mentioned by Wolfie, the rest is moot.  Go home, take a shower and try to be smart the next time.