
They've recast Sam's brother, Dickon (ha), with a more chiseled actor. We'll be seeing lots more of the Tarlys.

Good call. Probably a couple of the Sand Snakes as well.

A goat would be more appropriate. Shows what he knows.

Well…he has to deal with fire a little on the daily. How else is he going to eat all those chickens?

Lyanna for queen, Davos for Hand, Bronn for Lord Commander of the Kingsguard. It is known.

Is Euron's gift going to be Dragonbinder or Tyrion? Go.

There has to be more to it. As the nerd contingent on the internet has pointed out, the book Gilly picked up had the story of Azor Ahai. All that said…if same somehow finds the secret to Valyrian steel in those books, that'll be a step too far Dan and Dave.

Stannis straight up tells Sam that Dragonstone is filthy with dragon glass in season 4 or 5.

Important question…does MCU Spider-Man have a spidey sense? I can't tell. I think the answer is no.

But that weightless hallway fight in Inception tho…

Enjoyable article but now you gone and done it AV Club. Danerys ain't leading the line-up! She ain't leading shit! King in the North losers! Team Stark!

Is it wrong of me to hope he is playing Doc Holliday?

Odds Luke utters "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine"?

But maybe they CAN hide!

It's a Festivus Miracle.

Christ…I hope Vader just goes full bad ass and cuts a swath of destruction through our plucky band of misfits. Crushing dudes with debris, force choking rebel scum…it would be glorious.

Deceased Uncle Owen and his memory wiping ways would disagree with you.

Hopefully the "survivor" is the droid.

The fucking Catalina Wine Mixer.

Holy shit. For me, this is one of those childhood memory movies I wasn't sure actually existed. I remember an older cousin renting this and being mentally scarred by the killer suffocating a woman by slowly encasing her head in plaster. Thank you AV Club. You've done me a great service.