
If you're saying that the point was to show that Jon has Targ blood and could maybe ride a dragon, I get it. I'm just nitpicking that Dany doesn't know that and shes just chillin' on Drogon's back. I don't even think knows shes there.

I'm sure it's been mentioned below but there are over 1800 comments at this point…can we talk about how Dany was basically cool with Drogon possibly eating Jon? What the hell was up with her just sitting on top of him watching, saying nothing?

When Qyburn and Cersei were discussing the scorpion in the bowels of the Red Keep, didn't he say all the craftsmen in Kings Landing were working on them (or something to that effect)? There's no way that it took all the smiths and carpenters in kKng's Landing to make one ballista. Most of them are probably mounted on

Sent this to the mailbag but I'll ask here too…is Dany infertile from the blood magic ritual she used back in season 1 trying to save Drogo? If she is, how is that going to work if she takes the throne but can't produce an heir?

Glad to see Davos picked up some grammar lessons from Stannis.

I totally forgot that Dany can't have more children. That's going to be an issue.

Yeah, I know. What I was saying is that I (incorrectly) interpreted Jon Arryn's statement as, in this faux medieval world, that "the seed is strong" is an assumption that the father's traits are dominant. Since Jon is Rhaegar's son (even though no one knows this) would call that into question and it seemed very

Fair point. Looking at it too broadly I guess.

I mean, is that really so unreasonable?

Well, a death is different because death can be sudden and unpredictable in real life so no one questions it. Jon's parentage was a central mystery of the series since ep 1…the groundwork for his resurrection was laid early through Beric and Thoros…Bran's magic powers were built from season 1…hell, even the Red

No. No it doesn't. Tywin proclaiming that Tyrion is "no son of mine" isn't really enough, IMO, to suddenly say "BTdubs…the Mad King was totally into your mom and he had sex with her one way or another so you're like Dany's brother. Crazy right? Now get on the green dragon cause we only have 4 episodes left to wrap

Also, Jon Arryn should be embarrassed post-mortem for declaring "the seed is strong" since Jon Snow looks nothing like his pops. Shoddy science sends another civilization into shambles.

Tyrion as a targ:
For: 1. there are three dragons 2. Dany's vision about the dragon having three heads per the prophecy 3. It would be a nice mirror to Aegon's conquest…Aegon as king with his two sister-wives. This would be Dany with her newphew-husband and half-brother husband.

I feel like my life has peaked.

I know I'm late to the party here but to me, Cassidy seems to genuinely want to calm Jesse down at first. It's not until Jesse basically calls Cassidy an untrustworthy, worthless POS does Cassidy's demeanor change. Up until that point, Cassidy seems to struggle with being a friend to his "best mate" and taking an

Just watched this again. Sansa is going to learn about Bran while Jon is gone. Littlefinger will try and convince her to get rid of him since he jumps to the front of the succession line in front of her, in front of Jon. Maybe Arya shows up during this period. Then we get the whole lone wolf vs pack speech.

I wouldn't be surprised if we see a mirror of Yara's rescue attempt of Theon from Ramsey. I bet Theon gets her out but sacrifices himself so she can get away. Maybe too neat a bow for this but you never know which side of the compelling narrative handbook D&D are going to go with.

Did the Wall run out of ravens or something? Why has no one informed Winterfell that, I don't know, another Stark is alive? I understand dramatic impact but come on people.

"And THAT'S why you don't create magical weapons of mass destruction to win your wars against men."

Genius. I like that. Head canon established.