
So if the trend of rotating through one of the Not-Jess' being the season MVP continues, Hannah Simone will really kill it next year. But then we've run out folks.

Yeah but my age was still in the single digits then so I didn't know any better.

Yeah, I would have much preferred they made a sequel with a new cast. As soon as I saw the riff on the ghost librarian scene, I knew we were in trouble.

This…this realizes my worst fears. This trailer leads me to believe that the film is the definition of middling, unnecessary reboot.

Dredd is no remake.

Hell, when The Borg first showed up, they didn't even care about assimilating someone's "biological distinctiveness." They just wanted your toys.

Yeah, they just use the teleporter to empty your colon and bladder. I like this nano-bot idea. Grey goo could have been a cool adversary.

I'm a fan of sci-fi and fantasy and obsess over the minutiae of fake societies like the Federation, Westeros, and the Imperium of Man. No rabbit hole is deep enough.

"Free love on demand" is handled through a magic sex box. Also known as the Holodeck.

From what little I have seen, this seems to pan out.

I guess aliens have all the best stuff.

You do those things for yourself because no one is going to do it for you. My point is who is doing a dirty job for the good of society as a whole for free? I'm sure there are a few but I doubt there are enough to keep an entire planetary society functioning.

On a starship, at least, they have special collectors on the warp engines that collect matter as they travel through space to power the replicators. Becasue all matter can be turned into anything with a magic wish box. And yes, I know what those collectors are called but I am going to maintain some dignity. *pushes

This is one aspect of Trek that always bugged me. I get that if you have a replicator there is no scarcity but how do you get people to perform unsavory or unpopular but necessary jobs without some form of compensation? We rarely see anyone in the Federation who isn't in Starfleet or someone with a passion pursuit

So…over/under on Wally getting a hit of Velocity-9?

No Gravity Falls?

That's a much smaller hurdle to clear.

I would think that Wizard and Glass would stand better on its own. Pretty self contained.

The main problem with making Susanna white is that so much of her characterization (which is admittedly a mess and more than a little cringe worthy in a lot of respects) is informed by her coming from the Jim Crow South in the Civil Rights era. Roland just has to be a hypercompetent badass. Though I do think Elba is

The series was good-to-great from books 1-4. Then Mr. King almost got killed and rushed to completion after being reminded of the cold specter of death. 5, 6 and most of 7 are just over stuffed and half baked. The only redeeming quality of those three is the ending, which you can tell King had worked out and planned