
It takes forever too.

I'm curious to see how the steam controller works. I'm going to hate myself for doing it but I'm going to get one just to see if it works.

As Dr. Bloom get's more antagonistic to Hannibal, the more I want him to break out and meet her for dinner. That is how much this show and that actor have made me connect to an alien monster in a human suit.

He's gonna be gettin' a whole different kind of foot long, know what I'm sayin? Zing!

The real travesty of all this is that the shit he stole isn't funny. Is there anything worse than a thief with bad taste?

I think that's changing, to an extent. I don't think I know any men who really cared if their wife kept her name or hyphenated. What may become contentious is when the kids come around…

It is pretty interesting. There are some societies that do/did practice matrilineality but they are relatively few (some Native American tribes, some African tribes, a few pockets of smaller communities in various Asian countries). If patriarchy is generally the norm throughout human history, patrilineality would be

I agree. After much pondering and despite the author's assertions to the contrary, I still prefer Smokey's original to Aretha's cover.

Borderline visual plagiarizer?

They're too busy linking to another article about the MCU/DCCU or Game of Thrones to worry about Star Wars right now.

I love westerns and while he may be a hack, I'm (after Django I have to say almost) always entertained by Tarantino's. If I can get a Deathproof-on-horseback scene in this, the rest of the film can be garbage.

Don't forget they won for the Fargo screenplay, eh?

Man…what is with Aretha Franklin covering someone else's song and basically making (almost) everyone forget about the original? Now I find out she done Smokey the same way she did Otis and Carol King. That woman has no shame.

What the flying fuck Marvin Gaye's family?

Saying The Wolverine was genuinely good is a bridge too far IMO. At the end of the day, Fox has made two X movies that are pretty good (DOFP and X2) but I wouldn't say either of them come close to the best that Marvel has put out. Based on your statement, I think we are just on diametrically opposed positions here.

Somebody gets me.

First Class is incredibly mediocre. Some decent actors and comparisons to the train wreck that proceeded it are all it had going for it. It baffles me that it is held in such high regard.

Good…good! By now you must know that a Marvel comic can never be turned into a success without the MCU. Everything that has transpired has done so according to MY design. It was *I* who allowed Fox to think they could make a passable Fantastic Four film. The MCU is quite safe from your pitiful little "brand." Oh, I'm

Let's be honest…mostly what you are seeing are pubes, merkins, or areas that were previously covered by one of those things. Let's everybody calm down. Gross real talk.

Ah…Mushroomhead. The also-rans to Slipknot. Which might be the saddest thing I've ever written.