
Give her some stilts and she'd be all set.

Wait y'all…it's Moon Knight. Totally Moon Knight.

Man, Cloak and Dagger would have been sweet. Somebody already mentioned Runaways…does Marvel Have Ghost Rider back? Maybe a space cop Nova show?

Could be worse…could be Kinja.

No shout-out to Burning Love? "Thank you for the opportunity to love you." - Vivian

So is Dr. Bloom taking over the role Dr Chilton plays as Hannibal's antagonist? Many of her lines were originally uttered by him. That would have been fun to see her (and possibly Margot) be the old friends Hannibal meets for dinner.

He died in 2002. The show ran until 2004. I seem to remember them doing a little "in memoriam" credit bumper on one of the episodes. (According to the Buffy wiki, it's on "Long Days Journey.")

Me too. And then Glenn Quinn died and we couldn't get anymore.

"Yes. Thank you. Yes"

As I've gotten older, I've progressively come to prefer Angel over Buffy. As Whedon himself said, if Buffy is high school, Angel represents early adulthood. I think it will continue to age better than Buffy for that very reason.

Way to suck the fun out of a room.

Why do you make me root against you Peter Dinklage? WHY DAMMIT?!

Another winner! This might be one of the best films ever made.

Certainly the most recognizable but I can only take so much of it. Mega Man 2 and 3 have the best soundtracks. Guitar nerds on YouTube can't be wrong.

I had forgotten about that scene. Truly sublime.

Say what you will about Kids but it did give us one lasting legacy…. "Mmmmmm…butterscotch yo!"

I wonder how much Nic Pizzolatto is going to over-correct into mystical weirdness for True Detective season 3? Assuming True Detective survives after this season.

You, sir, have baffled me. When is post-pubescent Jake showing up? I feel like he would be more constructive.

Why do all tattoo recipients expect a Rembrandt to be permanently etched onto their skin when they are only paying for a Goodwill paint-by-numbers? They have to be in the top 3 things that you really need to spend some money on if you're going to do it.

Birdemic and the Megashark series have bad effects. Thanks for the HOT TAKE.