
I mean, they put Kingdom Come on this list. While self-contained (and awesome), I'd argue the sheer amount of second and third tier DC heroes should keep it off this list since it never really explains who the hell half of them are. When I read it for the first time, I was a comic fan but not much of a DC fan and I

That panel of rat creatures coming out of the woods in the rain…I loved that switch from bumbling punchlines to pretty fucking menacing.

No "Sandman?" For shame AV Club.

It was more an observation on the commenteriat's collective groan of "Marvel superheroes AGAIN?!" I agree that AoU was pretty underwhelming but I quite enjoyed Ant-Man. Sure, it had some missteps but it did more right than wrong IMO and I genuinely enjoyed myself.

To all the folks with Marvel fatigue…you'll be back after subjecting yourselves to joyless DC grimacing and rehashing of tired IPs starring aging action stars. They always come back. Excelsior bitches.

Never forget Rickon. He'll be trotted out in the last scene of the series as the last human standing in Westeros.

Man…that must be some NDA the cast signed. It's the only excuse for all their FUCKING LIES.

I enjoyed this. Hopefully this feature lasts awhile and has regular entries, unlike 90% of the AV Clubs features.

I just wish there was less Josh Hartnett in the Wolfman. Less Henry Hull Werewolf of London makeup and more Lon Chaney Jr. The Wolfman makeup. Blew it.

Yeah, they are totally phrasing everything to say "What we said was true, from a certain point of view." in future interviews.

For his part, Kit Harrington is really selling it. That's either some really sloppy writing George, there's some kind of semantics word play going on or they're pulling a Benedict Cumberbatch/JJ Abrams "I'm not Khan. (This is what they are doing)

Unless George has a sudden change of heart or makes a cold calculation to make sure the books are different enough from the show to skip it.

Hmmm…so she makes some kind of entreaty to the Red God to resurrect Azor Ahai and Jon springs back to life? Could work.

I'm really curious how they're going to resolve that since the common thinking is that Melisandre plays a role in working that out and she is no where near Castle Black.

I think we can both agree that the only untenable option would be for Davos Seaworth to simply fade out of sight like Gendry, Berric Dondarion, Benjen Stark, Thoros of Myr…should I be worried?

Onion Knight is going to be pissed. Who does he throw in with then?

What'll be interesting, since he is so pragmatic, that he is now a king without issue with his wife incapable (I think? Right?) of having more children. Selyse better watch her back.

Nah, Stannis burned his in-laws, defacto killed his younger brother. He's a fanatic and he had one line left to cross which he did. It's not out of character, IMO.

You're more confrontational than your twin brother.

Children have died in this show many times (the farmer boys Theon burned, the butcher boy that the Hound rode down, etc), it's just that since we haven't built a relationship with them so it doesn't bother us as much. He's wagging his finger at us for picking and choosing our outrage only when it hits us in the feels.