
Well Perd, stabbin is definitely in . Making Dorne relevant should be a given. Previews show Stannis beginning his assault but you won't see what happens. Walk of shame has been filmed so we should see that. Everything else, who knows?

“It’s like a two-tiered system,” he noted. “If a superhero
knocks over a building and there are 5,000 people in the building that we can
presume are now dead, does it matter? Because they’re not people we know. But
if one dog we like gets run over by a car, it’s the worst thing we’ve ever
seen. I totally understand where

Right in the feels. Dammit Stannis. Your freaking daughter.

Upon her refusal to acknowledge any of the accepted nicknames for Rebecca, I foisted Reba upon my wife while we were still dating and it has stuck so thoroughly, people sometimes think that is her name. I have looked upon my work and I am glad.

Screw you Laura M. Browning and anyone who agrees with you! Let It Be is a treasure, you monster! Rabble rabble rabble!

Methinks we saw very obvious and solid foreshadowing as to which sword will fulfill the role of Lightbringer for a long standing and accepted fan theory concerning the Azor Ahai prophecy. That's actually what I mean.

Methinks we've seen our first glimpse of Lightbringer folks.

The entire prequel trilogy should have been Revenge of the Sith stretched out into three movies and given room to breathe. Instead, we got Anakin going from "What have I done?!" after killing his first Jedi to mercilessly executing children in the span of an hour.

Yeah, I agree but in reading reviews, it seems like they need to make sub-text into text to avoid controversy because boobies and the male gaze and life is precious and God and the Bible.

1. Olenna sparing with an intellectual equal is one of my favorite things in the show. When she used to play the dozens with Tywin was awesome and this new game with the High Sparrow did not disappoint.
2. I'm really happy Bronn is still alive. I thought the "seduction" was leading to some comment about getting the

I'm very happy Bronn lived to see another episode. They know where their bread's buttered.

I really love Hellblazer but I think the biggest issue with the show was that it wasn't tonally right. It wasn't nasty enough, the stakes never felt weighty enough. As crazy as it sounds, the show somehow got a little better when they started letting John smoke onscreen, towards the end. I wanted it to get another

Indulge in ultraviolence with the implacability of a Terminator.

Definitely seems like they just ran out of time to do every thing they wanted to.

1. Pretty sure that fish oil shot was intentionally hilarious. Comics!
2. Against all odds, I really enjoy insane bad guy Ward. I hope he never leaves.

But at least it provide some funnies.

It must be a sign of the apocalypse. Also, you are correct that Eli would have probably won in another SB go round. Luckily, going 6-10 made that a moot point.

What's really weird to me is if Brady had sent incriminating messages, wouldn't they have already found them on the equipment guys phones? He probably had pictures of Gisele on there he just couldn't part with.

I live in New England and am a Pats fan. The real injustice here is that the NFL, by its actions, has caused me to have to listen to Jets and Giants fans crow about how the punishment should have been worse. To listen to them, disbanding the franchise and publicly executing Brady & Belichick is the way to go.

Calling it now…Sansa will be the Stark in power in the North by series end. Since *Spoilers* Jon, Bran and Arya will be pledged to some other power and may be barely human, Sansa will be in charge. Unless they want to get all anticlimactic and have Rickon show back up at the 11th hour.