
I'm sure Jane Johnson will continue to be thrilled.

I agree. There are tinfoil theories that speculate that she is going to end up being the "bad guy" (as much as anyone can be in these books).

Good point. Maybe ties into the push for the fighting pits.

Exactly. But part of the reason it's so imperative that the promise be kept if R+L=J is true is because Robert was so dead set on stomping out the Targ bloodline. If Robert knew Jon was a Targ, he would have killed him immediately.

Yeah but there is some precedent in the Jorah/Grey Worm/Daario fight from season 2. So, they just need a Westorosi knight and a smirking mercenary to even things up?

Interesting. My only rebuttal would be then why would it be necessary for Ned to hide Jon's parentage? Robert obviously knew he had lots of bastards running around so why hide it from someone like Cat?

You know, for a squad of supposed ultimate bad asses, the Unsullied sure got their asses handed to them by a bunch of soft rich kids in cosplay. We've been lied to.

Harley looks pretty inked up too. This does not bode well for Mr. J's tat level.

Many, many superhero comics. I recognize the gender and racial issues but my reaction is to almost always give it a pass.

Totally agree. I'd throw Mad's Hannibal Lecter in there too. Many times I caught myself thinking "That's a bad man but I really hope he gets away."

The decades could have clouded my recollection. Maybe I just wanted more Vondie Curtis-Hall.

You don't think this is setting up Sansa as an LS surrogate, burning through Boltons and Freys as quickly as she can find them?

I hope this isn't the case. That would smack of Martin "taking his toys and going home" to me. I'm already a little annoyed at GRRM for the "twist" for a character that the show wouldn't be able to incorporate. It smacks of him just changing things to separate the books from the show.

Hmmm…I could be wrong but I thought the bit about Turner's parents being there for an uncomfortable scene was the Riot of Kings Landing back in Season 2 where Sansa gets hauled off by small folk of ill intent.

Jon was totally playing out a "Sit in Judgement" mission.

A major contributing factor to the show being able to move shit along is the fact that they aged up the kiddos. If Martin had done this one thing, we wouldn't have had the problems in the transition from Swords to Crows. It's fascinating how one little miscalculation at the beginning has turned the books into a bit

Seriously…can't they just be quiet and show their support with their wallets like sane people?

Whelp, just goes to show that if you have a group of people, they have the same capacity to be shitty as everyone else on certain topics no matter their mission statement.

Ah, my home region of New England. Where if it's not a McDonald's, Subway or Dunkin Donuts, you ain't gettin' it.
