
Nah, I tried to put a picture of Iron Fist in there but it didn't work. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Lol..4chan. Oh you. I personally think they should cast an Asian actor as Iron Fist. While that could still have its problems, I think they will be lesser than going with the normal blonde guy.

As much as I am not a fan of his reviews, I would be morbidly fascinated to see how Oliver reacts to the rest of the Netflix MCU shows. I think he is going to do a lot of gushing about Jessica Jones, be a little more conflicted about Luke Cage since Luke is African American but it is still about a dude, and really

Daredevil is officially coming back for a second season next year, but it won’t have AV Club reviewer Oliver Sava soapboxing all over stories of magic people getting into fights with other magic people. That’s not a bad thing.

The real question is does she go home now never to be seen again?

When you see it in print, it comes off as something from a 1940's pulp. Maybe they just tried to get way too clever with their deference to an influence.

No mention of how Jean Grey reads his mind and outs him against his will. I do like how the book is showing how shitty a teen with telepathy could really be. Jean Grey is history's greatest monster.

Yeah! Fuck Bendis for dropping the mic and walking away from this one.

Yeah, I totally didn't see "secret sexual tension" in Matt and Foggy's college interactions. Homeboy is projecting.

And how dare they kill Ben Urich? I needed some Ben and Peter Parker mentorship in my life.

This is what pisses me off about Oliver's reviews. I don't know what kind of stone cold killer he is but I don't think Karen's reaction to killing a man (even if he did deserve it) implies that she is being a victim. She's alone with the weight of taking a life so maybe some crying is appropriate. As an empathetic

While I can say I was uncomfortable watching what will be forever known as "That Scene", I wasn't as taken aback by the earlier Dany scene in the pilot (maybe tellingly? I hope not). I assumed the writers were commenting on the entire institution of arranged marriage in the middle ages. It would seem completely

This has me geeking out. NIGHT's KING BITCHES!

The Hank Thompson trilogy by Charlie Huston.  Violent, funny, centered around a man forced to deal with his circumstances that continue to escalate based on his bad decisions, it could be an awesome fit for FX or AMC.  Those books made me love Huston.  Amazingly, I got all three ebooks for free during a short lived