Johnny B

He did that the third (and last) time I saw him. My wife was too scared to headbutt him. It was kind of funny. I think she regrets it now.

I'm from upstate New York, but I left for a while and lived in Florida. I was a Panthers season ticket holder for most of the six years I was there, so I now know loads of Panthers fans, and some of them are in Canada. Of course, most of the Canadians I know are Leafs fans (and from Toronto). I understand the

Yep. I was up in Montreal just recently. Anyway, I didn't say it was a lot of people, but as a former South Florida resident and Florida Panthers season ticket holder I've met quite a few Panthers fans online and IRL who are from Canada (and other places that are not anywhere near Florida). Just because you don't

That's uncreative. There are all kinds of ways to pick a team. My favorite is all the people in Canada who root for a sunbelt team because they didn't want to root for the Leafs or Habs like everyone else and just picked the newest team in the league.

I assumed my position on Tommy was a minority opinion. I do really like some of it, but then there's a lot of it that feels half-baked to me. But, hey, as long as we can all agree on The Who Sell Out, everything's great!

That's quite true. I think I actually have two copies and one matches that description.

I keep wanting to get rid of it, but I always listen to it first and think "that's better than I remember." And then I put it back on the shelf.

That's true, but it's hard to top a record that ends with "Won't Get Fooled Again." But then after one says that, there's "Young Man Blues" on Live at Leeds.

The Who Sell Out is great and, I think, more essential than Tommy, because Tommy is overrated. I almost never listen to it. I'd rather listen to pretty much any other Who album.

I'm surprised more people aren't listing The Vines. I kind of thought everyone who lived through the early 2000s was just sort of issued a copy of that one album. Or did you all get rid of your copy already?

Once again, CDs only, so nothing I have on LP, including U.K. Subs, Van Halen, Bunny Wailer, The Waitresses, Tom Waits, Dean Wareham, or Stevie Wonder:

I hated Heavy Petting Zoo. When I heard the next one and didn't think it was much better, I gave up on them. All of their records have filler, but those seemed like albums of filler.

I was late to this party and I'm still getting caught up.

Naked has its moments, but for every brilliant song like "Blind," there's something forgettable like "The Democratic Circus," to pick one song I couldn't hum if my life depended on it.

If I really like the band, I always try to buy something. I once bought a cassette of a Deerhoof album I already had on CD for no really good reason.

Yeah! There was a small group of my weirdo friends in high school who all liked those guys. I've actually listened to them fairly recently.

I think Tony! Toni! Toné! / Torche / Toto / Meghan Trainor is my favorite consecutive grouping of artists so far on these.

I don't have that one yet. Except for the latest couple, I've picked most of his records up used on LP. They actually turn up quite a bit around here. That's CD-era. I'll have to look for it new.

Upvoted for Apollo 18.

Those two are pretty much essential. He put out an album called Electric a few years ago that's really great as well.