Johnny B

Please do. It's a great word.

And not only that, but a lot of the small regional beers that still existed (Pabst, Utica Club, etc.) were all the same fizzy yellow crap.

There are a few really good microbreweries in and around London (The Kernel, Brew By Numbers, some others I'm forgetting) but it doesn't seem to be as big a thing.

"If this stuff came out the fridge, why is it hot?"

That's usually how I get it every year: at some bar event. Unless I get lucky and happen to be in the local co-op on the day they put it out.

That used to happen here with BCBS. It would sit on the grocery store shelves while the beer geeks fought over it at the beer stores. Now everyone knows to look there.

Yes, you need a special player. I play them on my BluRay player, which also plays DVD-Audio discs.

The real hipsters are buying cassettes.

It's bandwidth, which isn't exactly the same as compression. Lower bitrate mp3s also have lower bandwidth, but reduced bandwidth analog recordings sound very different than reduced bandwidth mp3s. With analog sound, you get missing information and distortion, which doesn't all sound bad. With mp3 you get warbling and

Oh, that hurts. When they added the west coast dates recently I assumed that meant she was going to at least make it to next year. I don't know how she did it. The summer shows this year were as good as ever.

What's wrong with The Madcap Laughs? There are some sloppy takes of the stuff that Dave Gilmour & Roger Waters produced (when the label was trying to push Syd to get the record finished), but the stuff from the earlier, Malcolm Jones produced sessions is excellent. And there are even a couple of classics in the later

Kenji's great. You get the best of CI without the worst of CI in his stuff. He'll go to the trouble of figuring out the best ways to make a particular dish, but he also realizes that most normal people have a limited amount of time to make dinner on a weeknight. So, he'll tell you the way to make something that gives

I believe it is their best seller, and it's probably not close. I drank a ton of it when I lived in Hollywood. I moved almost four years ago and it's still my top checkin on Untappd.

One of the stores in Syracuse has gotten it once or twice, but I haven't found a reliable source for it outside of Florida.

Cigar City Brewing Jai-Alai. Unfortunately for me, I don't like in Florida anymore, so I can usually only get it once a year when I visit my parents.

I think there a lot of people now who associate porters and stouts with the imperial and double stouts and porters that a lot of brewers are making. Those run anywhere from 8 to 12%.

I don't normally get the special plates, but I would have put up the extra cash for "America's Wang" if it was available when I lived in Florida. Also, based on my experiences living in South Florida and visiting my parents in Central Florida, I'm pretty sure the main thing you can say about the average Floridian is

Thanks! Enjoy the Leafs season this year. It should be a fun one for the first time in a while. Based on the parts of the two games I've seen so far, those kids are/will be a lot of fun to watch.

I can't believe this is over. It's been fun. I'm still only at S on my CD purge. I'll probably only manage to purge about 100-150, and a good chunk of those are doubles, but that's all the space I need for the next couple of years. It's the LP rack filling up that's really worrying me.

For the last time, CD only, so nothing I only have on vinyl, like XTC, ZZ Top or 999.