Johnny B

Yes. That's why I stopped eating it in the late 90s. Literally every time I ate at McDonald's, I got sick. It took me longer to stop eating Taco Bell. I swear that didn't used to be as nasty as it is now.

I have to disagree. Thing-Fish is the worst album ever made. But "Uncle Remus" is one of Frank's best.

I watched the internet gripe for years about supposed buzzkill songs that the internet crowd hated (Sample, Bouncing, etc.) but that always got the crowd going. I assumed "Time Turns Elastic" was another one of those, until I saw it in Camden in 2010. It was like the air went out of the whole crowd. So boring. If they

I don't think so, but the consensus worst was the second night in Chicago.

Please tell me Lars Ulrich was second. That guy is awful.

I'm in that same boat. I never realized that was him in Star Trek.

I believe that was also true of the Matador stuff on that list, and probably a bunch of the rest of it as well. I think the Earache deal was a split deal, though. IIRC, in addition to generally distributing the label's releases, Columbia got dibs on 4 or 5 albums a year that would be released in conjunction with

Mr. Bungle stuck out on that list. I think they were the only band on the whole list all of whose albums came out on a major label. It definitely qualifies as a weird record on a major, though.

I forgot how much of that stuff actually came out on majors in the 90s. There a few gems in there in amongst all the "next Helmets." That Napalm Death record is their worst, but that Boredoms album is fantastic, and that Mr. Bungle album is their best. I was half surprised that Carcass' Heartwork wasn't on the list

Seriously. What the hell does Violent J know about Phish shows? There is a certain segment at Phish shows that gets pretty wasted, but the majority of people take nothing, or have a couple of beers and/or smoke a little weed. moe. fans are much worse, drinking all day and trashing venues.

They paying the DEA to stay away these days? The year I went, they were searching RVs and busted someone trying to bring in a ridiculous amount of weed.

Psychobilly guys drive better cars. At least the ones in Florida do. The parking lot of your average psychobilly show in South Florida looks like a classic car show. Juggalos drive Hondas.

Besides their breaking the apparent rule against electric bass, it is kind of crappy to recommend stuff that people can't find. But yes, Disgraceland is a classic, and the other two records aren't too shabby.

"He's just a bit stentorian, possibly a failing by stern parents or some such."

Lick My Decals Off, Baby is definitely the better album and has, sadly, been out of print for a while (although the late 90s Rhino vinyl pressing is pretty easily found-the CD is expensive if you can find one). It's great news that it's coming back in print. While that three-album set mentioned in the article isn't

It's because they've exclusively been a brewpub up until now (with limited keg distribution), but they recently expanded and will have a bottling line at the new facility. They're registering trademarks for the stuff they're going to bottle, because that's what you do.

Agreed! I can't believe it's buried so far down with stuff like Carl and the Passions. AFAIC, that should be about the fourth or fifth Beach Boys albums one checks out.

It's interesting watching the video releases compared to the MTV masters and each other. I first saw Boring on the old VHS release, and it had that scene. Some of the other episodes had bits cut out of them on MTV that are on the DVD box sets. But what I find interesting is that there are two different edits of Nasty

He also completely missed the joke, which is that the racist cop is so stupid he thinks a guy wearing black gloves is a black man. It's when the man takes the gloves off that the cop realizes his mistake.

They're not even, technically. "It Must Be Love" was also Top 40 in the US (33). It's just no one remembers that one.