Johnny B

Bon Scott's live introduction was the best introduction ever: "This song is about the largest woman who's ever fornicated!"

It was still there last summer. I think that's the biggest grocery store I've seen in London, though there is a full-sized Sainsbury's in Clapham, where I lived when I was an exchange student. That's still there, though they've added an Express right down the street.

Something in Forest Hills? Marky's from Brooklyn.

This is unsurprising, given that he was a guitar player. Still, he always made it look so easy, whereas Marky always made it look so difficult.

We have a winner.

I haven't looked recently, but I don't think there's a statute of limitations in the Copyright Act. People wait forever to sue because there has to be enough money in it to make it worth it. The person suing can't usually afford the lawyer which is why they're suing in the first place and the lawyers don't want to

I don't see that this case is hostile to what the Misfits are doing. The 8th Circuit vacated the injunction for products that used a part of the poster materials that were in the public domain, saying that was an acceptable use (e.g. the picture of Judy Garland from a film poster on a lunch box). The derivative works

Copyright is not the same as trademark. They protect different things. If someone tries to sell or otherwise use the film itself, then Viacom can enforce the copyright and stop them. That skull logo was registered as a trademark to the band in 2003 (Registration Number 2770984), and renewed last year for use on

Believe it or not, no. They filed for trademark registration on it in 2002, and it was registered in 2003.

He wrote about it a bit in his book. Ginn's usual strategy is divide and conquer. Because the bands have to sue as a unit, he pays off the guy who needs the money the most to withdraw from the suit and effectively kill it. To keep this from happening, Bob tried to buy Grant's and Greg Norton's interest in the lawsuit

That's pretty typical of them. They waited until right after Frank Zappa died to induct him, even though everyone knew he was dying of cancer for like two years. Then they had Lou Reed induct him (Zappa and Reed didn't like each other too much-The Mothers and The Velvet Underground played some west coast gigs together

Yes, the British Monks had two albums, one in 1978 (Bad Habits), and one in 1982 (Suspended Animation, originally released only in Canada). They were formed as a joke punk rock band by a couple former members of The Strawbs. There's some good stuff on both of those albums (especially the more new wave sounding second

I disagree. I saw them a few years ago and Lars was so awful he dragged the rest of the band down. It was incredibly disappointing, especially because Rob Trujillo is the best bass player they've ever had, but even he couldn't save the show from the Lars trainwreck. Guy has no dynamics. Every song was the same, bang

Possibly, but he does own a Maserati.

Damn, how did I miss that? Thanks.

If you're lucky they'll keep it in the set when they tour in 2015. I've seen them 20 times in 21 and seen that song three times. First show, last show (first album show two weeks ago) and once in the middle somewhere. They don't play it nearly enough.

They went on hiatus after the last tour in 2008 and haven't been heard from since. Tim did co-write a song on Laetitia's last solo album, but he's been really quiet otherwise.

That would be a large part of the reason I was so excited to actually catch it at the 40 Watt show on the last tour. That was a great show.

I somehow had never managed to hear that one before, so just went and gave a listen. I'm not sure I could say I like it better than the Cramps' version, it's definitely better than anyone else's version I've heard.

I kind of can't believe he skipped A Date with Elvis to recommend Stay Sick. I always thought of that as a watered-down version of A Date with Elvis. And Look Mom No Head as a watered-down Stay Sick.