Johnny B

Fever. The Cramps did the best version of that song, ever. No one can touch it.

Advances in recording technology. Over the first 50 years or so, the technology got steadily better, such that older recordings were of obviously lower fidelity than current recordings. Once really high fidelity recordings were possible, the sound of classical and jazz records didn't change all that much. But pop

He's also the tour manager, so that's one less staff person on the bus.

It is tough, given that members of ska bands are rarely sober.

Because my wife hates Roxy Music, but at least tolerates Duran Duran. So I have to listen to the Roxy records when she's not around.

It was made in the 1980s. The 80s MCA tapes were white (with either blue or black printing). The 1970s ABC Records tapes, like many labels, were made by GRT, who used blue tape shells.

I might have the been the only one mildly disappointed that the Everything Must Go tour turned out to really be the Aja tour. Not that seeing the entire Aja album over the course of the show was disappointing, but only seeing two or three from Everything Must Go was. I really liked that album.

7. Everyone's Gone to the Movies
6. Doctor Wu
5. The Royal Scam
4. Third World Man
3. Don't Take Me Alive
2. The Caves of Altamira
1. Aja

I don't know. The main reason for buying this would be for the in theory better sound quality of the albums from the old CDs, which, frankly, don't sound very good. Those live albums are recent and not going to sound any better. They did toss in a few live things (six tracks from a 1979 show), but it's mostly video. A

The FLAG lineup is basically the Damaged tour lineup without Greg Ginn and Rollins, but with the original lead singer (Keith Morris). But they're mostly playing stuff from the original lineup when Morris was in the band. So it's somewhere between that and the first or third singer lineups without Greg, but with that

All my nerd friends in high school were into metal. We were, in general, a bunch of good-grades getting, computer programming, D&D playing, long haired metalheads.

No, that's Helen Reddy, Debby Boone, The Carpenters, etc. Just look at the pop charts from the mid-70s. That's the stuff. Blech.

That and DOMA, which prevents same-sex couples from being able to file joint tax returns or getting the same estate tax breaks as opposite-sex married couples, among other things. Part of the push for legalization now is from business owners who have to spend extra money to deal with employees who are in a same-sex

Ugh, no kidding. That single Dukowski did with Black Face last year was far better.

It's complicated. The short version is that US copyright law provides for compulsory licensing for covers. If your song has been recorded, you essentially have to let other artists record their own cover version and accept the royalty payment that's set by law. Your cover version can't be what's considered a

I'd move Drink! up a level and add in She Thinks She's Edith Head to the last list, but this is a pretty good summary.

I'd move Drink! up a level and add in She Thinks She's Edith Head to the last list, but this is a pretty good summary.

It's the mixing, but the vinyl does sound a bit better overall. Actually, that's true of pretty much all the Huskers albums. They had to tame that shrill high end to be able to cut the vinyl so they're all a little better sounding. Except for maybe Land Speed Record.

It's the mixing, but the vinyl does sound a bit better overall. Actually, that's true of pretty much all the Huskers albums. They had to tame that shrill high end to be able to cut the vinyl so they're all a little better sounding. Except for maybe Land Speed Record.

Won't happen. SST is notorious for not paying royalties, resulting in bands suing to get the rights to their back catalogs to move them (Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr., etc.) However, Greg Ginn's usual M.O. to deal with any lawsuits is to pay off the most disgruntled/most hard up member of the band to pull out of the