Johnny B

Won't happen. SST is notorious for not paying royalties, resulting in bands suing to get the rights to their back catalogs to move them (Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr., etc.) However, Greg Ginn's usual M.O. to deal with any lawsuits is to pay off the most disgruntled/most hard up member of the band to pull out of the

I'll second that 801 Live album. And add in After the Heat, his collaboration with the guys from Cluster (billed as Eno Moebius Rodelius). It's more of the ambient kind of stuff from Another Green World. I think "By this River" on Before and After Science is from the same recording session.

I'll second that 801 Live album. And add in After the Heat, his collaboration with the guys from Cluster (billed as Eno Moebius Rodelius). It's more of the ambient kind of stuff from Another Green World. I think "By this River" on Before and After Science is from the same recording session.

They just played a free show at one of the casinos in South Florida this weekend.

SST put out some serious crap after 1986, but any of the early stuff still in print (and some not, like the Stains record) is worth hearing. After 1986, it's mostly Dinosaur Jr., Sonic Youth, Negativland and the earlier bands that hadn't broken up yet that are worth checking out. That it took 10 years to put out the

I'd like to follow the recommendation for Scientist Rids the World of the Evil Curse of the Vampires with a general recommendation for any of his Greensleeves albums. They're all really good, though my favorite is probably either that one or Scientist Wins the World Cup. Also, King Tubby's Freedom Sounds in Dub is