Generation Analog

I'll take them both. I like Munch's bitterness and murderiness. And I like the way Lewis treats the Cavaliers with disrespect.

Frank Pembleton and Tim Bayliss obviously. Most certainly not Mike Kellerman. And throw Kay Howard in there. She solves every case assigned to her!

For their fourth album, they're planning on just releasing 60 solid minutes of the sound of them pissing on your hopes and dreams.

Best debut album of 2013: Aye Nako's Unleash Yourself.

I always pretend "Illegal Alien" never existed. It's Genesis' Sussudio!

I'm going to rush out and find that immediately. I love them Afghan Whigs so much.

Hahaha, if only. Go to a movie theater in China sometime. Almost every person is talking to his or her neighbors.

@avclub-8f1899cdb606a3c7a0aa80d617eb123b:disqus Yeah, I'm not liking this list much. I don't know what its criteria are, but there is no way the Chinese league is 14th best in the world. It is amusingly corrupt and incompetent, but surely they don't take that into account.

1993's actual best album, the Afghan Whigs' Gentlemen doesn't sound dated at all either.

With the iPhone's crappy little keyboard, turning off the auto-correct would be infuriating. You're just going to make mistakes, and the auto-correct fixes them more often than not.

I wouldn't have been convinced. Benny Russell never would have written anything so hackish as that scene in the fire caves with Kai Winn and Dukat.

Harpoon Fever forever!

@avclub-5cbb1c37a1f2c2af7b58d8de06783aff:disqus I worked at a factory on Needmore the summer I turned 18, and if I had known that song then, I certainly would have cranked it on the way to work every morning.

You'd have to travel far to feel completely alive. Yup, that's Ohio.

Lifter Puller: Always better than the Hold Steady.

Dr. Thunder! The only medical authority I recognize.

I only have The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night, and I think it's a pretty good album. They're a bit sprawling and atmospheric for my tastes, but they do what they do well.

Still trying to wrap my head around Geddy Lee's voice and how it got so high.

I can't even tell you how thrilled I am to tell people that I have a Canadian girlfriend and then watching the ensuing eye rolls.

That list is bizarre.