Generation Analog

Hahaha, yeah, guess we're not seeing eye to eye on this one! Oh well!

Modern Love was mine this year too. But I didn't see Frances Ha (I've been meaning too!). I have no idea what possessed me to buy it from Amazon.

This Must Be The Place might be my favorite Talking Heads song.

Which ones do you like? I feel like "All the Time Every Day", "Pink-Slips" and "Where the Spirits Left Us" were all pretty great.

I'm thinking either No Eyes by Baths, Dream Machines by Big Deal, or We Sink by Chvrches.

I want more Okkervil River! The Silver Gymnasium is a great album and a strong return to form, depending on your perception of their previous album.


They should team up. It would be the most spectacular halftime spectacular of this or any other age.

They should just get Red Panda. She's the best!

Wow. That sounded like a terrible experience.

He's busy using that money to suck up to the Communist Party.

And I can't stand people who act like music died sometime in the late 70s. We're like the odd couple!

If you start caring what Dan Harmon thinks of you, you really are in a dark place.

This seems like a generous grade for a band willing to call themselves The Head and the Heart.

My Blueberry Nights is easily Wong Kar-Wai's worst movie. It's not even close. That film deserves exactly zero awards.

They have this huge assortment of charming characters. And then there's fucking Tree Trunks.

I love Adventure Time, but I can't stand Tree Trunks. Anyone else with me? No?

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus That's a good attempt at San Jose boosterism, but are you referring to San Jose State? The flagship of the UC system's red-headed stepchild, the Cal State system?

I usually apologize then cry a bit to sell it.

Hahaha, sounds like a fun place to meet interesting internet people!