
Pfft, groin shots in VATS are the way to go.

Spot on. [Pun intended]

I don't think this's so much a Christian view, as a very warped and cynical interpretation of it. There's still plenty of Christians that not only believe in using love, but are even understanding of others. The hardline conservative variety have the money symbol for a cross. And considering what creeps a lot of

It always bothers me when I'm being honest and tell people that ask, that I'm depressed, only for them to shrug. Like It's nothing. Now when I say I'm sad or unhappy, only then do they pay more attention. People's attitudes towards mental illness is in itself pretty sick.

As someone who's dealt with deep depression and suicidal thoughts, pretty much this. You have no control over how you feel, there's no, "Maning up." It's confusion and pain. Anyone that thinks this is easy to overcome or deal with have no idea what they're talking about. It'd be like telling someone with severe back

About time, Fuglystein.

All they want is to give a hug while holding a butcher knife, is that so much to ask for?

"Boy, do I have a story for you!"

Opening shot: The producers watch Halloween.

Fun Fake Fact: Face/off is a heavily reworked version of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre script.

No one quite knows what moves a hipster. Scientists and philosophers have debated and studied this for centuries. It all ties somehow to irony shirts and struts. We're close, just need another century of data to figure out how it ties to It's So Bad, It's Great Chain Reaction.

What's funny, is no one mentions the woman tearing up at the performance. Like much of these scenes, there's more, or possibly more going on. In fact her tears remind me of the assistant tearing up at Ben Horne's bicycle memory. This show has a lot of very melancholy old men and broken women.

And it reminds of an experiment where scientists dipped insects in alcohol and placed them on spider webs. As soon as the spider fed, the scientists then broke the spider's web, and observed as the spider made a very drunken web. Sadly, providing the spider's with a second alcohol soaked insect resulted in death. Even

Just another day at Google:

I finally got around to playing Night Shift this week, and it's not as interesting as The Bunker, but it's a fun trashy thriller. They have timed choices, which I've never been a fan of, and a few times the follow-up to a choice didn't make a whole lot of sense, yet for the most part I loved feeling like I was a part

David Cage wishes he could make a game half as good as Until Dawn. He's got some ideas, but the execution and writing, my god.

That's just eye-water.

Who didn't? She's super cute and knows how to lay a fun tune.

Um, the GOP attempts to shoe-horn their awful healthcare were hasty and rushed. The democrats spent a lot of time and effort on the affordable healthcare act. It turns out being a willful shithead isn't enough to win.

Thing about an unlikable character yet still having a compelling story to tell, is that it requires real craft to pull it off. A writer like Shirley Jackson could make you feel uncomfortable with the main character yet still have the story grip you. Cline's a hack, he should have gone over Ready Player One, learned