
It's because the book really has nothing to say, other than pat you on the back. I love cyberpunk, will hunt down hard to find books by John Shirley or Pat Cadigan, and even when they've written a so-so story, they still have something interesting to say or point out a social political thing. Ready Player One's like a

Quite possibly one of the worst books I've ever read. And like every awful book I've read, it was swiftly chucked across the room.

That's not the issue. It's when turning on the holosuite's black lights that it becomes an issue.

It's been a while since I played it, so I am fuzzy on some details, but older sister returns home from trip, and finds the house dark and empty. A storm's brewing outside, and it appears as though it's going to be a scary game. The older sister snoops around, trying to figure out where everyone went. Mom's unhappy

That's one apt description.

I think most of us do as we get older and figure out the past. :)

Ugh, please, please don't think for a second I'm one of those "SJW!" kneejerk creeps. I get the defensiveness when confronted by those kinds of gross, thoughtless attacks. Me, I like dissecting stuff, even figuring out how and why a piece of art might not work. Your views are solid, and again, I get why Gone Home

They're a bit different than visual novels, yet I can't help think they could also use that term as well.

The '80s sure were a fun era of narrow-minded bullshit. I got targeted for being I guess an art-fag? Because being a little different and having different interests warrants savage bullying and torment.

But those kinds of narrative elements have existed in games for years now. I did not find the story all that difficult to figure out. Thing is, I really wanted to enjoy and like this game, yet found it ultimately lacking. I tend to like arty or experimental games, yet playing Gone Home reminded me of exploring an

Putin not pleased. [Slits Tintin Quarantino's throat]

I found Gone Home very, very boring. I commend them for the level of detail on objects that can be picked up and examined [Seriously, who bothers to put an expiration date on a jug of milk in a video game?], but that's about it. It felt like a third of a completed game. It needed more meat, or at the very least some

God no! It's actually funny.

Not what I was expecting. I thought the reveal would be Glory.

I took it as him saying he's getting tired of this game, and he's getting ready to say, "Fuck you, Diane."

No offense, but saying it's like so real, and then using SimCity as an example cracked me up. It's like so real, like a video game!

I thought it was some newfangled garbage picker.

Oh come on guys! Exquisite Corpse! Where three dead surrealists are broken into thirds, recombined, and contestants have to figure out which recombined corpse best represents the repressed sexual desires of a well-worn pair of trousers.

Millennials is a stupid generational name, much like gen xer, or baby boomer. They're mostly used to pit one generation against the next by pundits. Like we don't all share similar pains and fears, the same existential woes.

Like a virgin, hey
Touched for the very first time